Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine® #NeedHerScience

For decades, studies have demonstrated gender bias in publishing. This may occur at various stages in the process, including at the level of the journals. The equitable inclusion of women editors at every level is long overdue. Addressing journal gender bias starts at the top.

Drexel's ELAM program is a strategic partner for the Need Her Science Campaign which is part of the Be Ethical Campaign. More information is available at www.sheleadshealthcare.com.

Get Involved

Here are three quick and easy things you can do to join the #NeedHerScience campaign:

The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness about gender bias in publishing and share with stakeholders, including journal editors and owners, the overall number of scientists, health care professionals and others who have taken the pledge. The pledge can be taken anonymously. Educators and others are encouraged to take the pledge and share information about this issue with colleagues and trainees.

Take the Pledge

"As part of determining where to submit my manuscripts, I will look at the list of editors and consider whether a journal has equitably included qualified women at every level.”

Take the Pledge

“Journals depend on the privilege of publishing the best scientific work, and they need women’s research to be successful.”

Silver JK. Medical journals must address gender bias. BMJ. Sept 26, 2019.

The Need Her Science Campaign is inviting journal editors to help combat disparities for women in medicine by making workforce gender equity articles freely available to everyone. Improving access to these important studies and reports may accelerate progress for women in medicine. Some journals are creating “collections” of the free access articles. Please spread the word and invite journal editors to support the Need Her Science Campaign by making articles available to all.


References and Resources

Medical journals must address gender bias
Silver JK
BMJ, September 26, 2019

Tips for publishing in medical journals [PDF]
Silver JK
Published September 26, 2019

#BeEthical: a call to healthcare leaders: ending gender workforce disparities is an ethical imperative [PDF]
Silver JK
Published September 17, 2018

Partner Organizations

The American Medical Women's Association is a partner of the #NeedHerScience campaign.

Logo for the American Medical Women's Association

ELAM is a core program of the Institute for Women's Health and Leadership at Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pa. The Institute continues the legacy of advancing women in medicine that began in 1850 with the founding of the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, the nation's first women's medical school and a predecessor of today's Drexel University College of Medicine.