Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine® #HerTimeIsNow

Women in medicine have waited long enough for gender equity, and the time is now to address longstanding, well-documented disparities. We are calling on women and allies to join us on social media to get the word out that now is the time to support all women in medicine and underrepresented women in medicine.

Read the #HerTimeIsNow report from She Leads Healthcare [PDF]



The Her Time Is Now Campaign was developed by Julie K. Silver, MD. Dr. Silver is an associate professor and associate chair in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School. She is the director of the Harvard Medical School women's leadership course titled Career Advancement and Leadership Skills for Women in Healthcare. Campaign partners include the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) and Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM), a core program of Drexel University College of Medicine.

Dean and Chair Pledge to Advance Gender Equity

All deans and chairs are encouraged to sign the Dean and Chair Pledge to Advance Gender Equity. The pledge is a commitment to focus financial and other support toward medical societies that are transparent about inclusiveness in membership, that hire and promote people from diverse backgrounds, and that ensure their associated journals have diverse editorial boards.

ELAM is a core program of the Institute for Women's Health and Leadership at Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pa. The Institute continues the legacy of advancing women in medicine that began in 1850 with the founding of the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, the nation's first women's medical school and a predecessor of today's Drexel University College of Medicine.