NIMH NeuroHIV Training Grant Training Faculty
Drexel University College of Medicine
- Peter Baas, PhD
Research interests: Microtubules in the nervous system
- Jacqueline Barker, PhD
Research interests: Behavioral flexibility, learning/memory, frontal cortex
- Irwin Chaiken, PhD
Research interests: HIV-1 Env entry, Inactivation of HIV and infected cells
- Peter J. Gaskill, PhD
Research interests: Impact of Dopamine on Development of NeuroHIV
- Elias El Haddad, PhD
Research interests: HIV
- Pooja Jain, PhD
Research interests: DC-based immunotherapeutics, neuroinflammation
- Sandhya Kortagere, PhD
Research interests: Dopamine receptors and neurocognitive impairment
Temple University
- Rafal Kaminski, PhD
Research interests: HIV, gene editing, DNA repair
- Kamel Khalili, PhD
Research interests: HIV eradication/viral neuropathogenesis
- Dianne Langford, PhD
Research interests: Neurodegeneration
- Safak Mahmut, PhD
Research interests: Molecular biology of villa demyelination
- Ilker Sariyer, PhD, VMD
Research interests: NeuroHIV
- George Smith, PhD
Research interests: Spinal cord regeneration; gene therapy
- Hassen Wollebo, PhD
Research interests: JCV and its associated neurological disorders
* Physician's practice/location is independent of Drexel Medicine and Drexel University.
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