Workshops & Training

Overview of Service

The Instructional Technology Group conducts training sessions on Learn, Camtasia, Drexel Streams (Kaltura), Web basics, Mac OS X, SharePoint, and more. In addition, several brown bag lunches and workshops on technology products of interest are held each month. These training sessions are open to members of Drexel's community.

Description & Features

  • Topics for workshops and training include:
    • Apple (Mac OS, iOS) Workshops
    • Brown Bag Lunches and Workshops
    • Camtasia Demo/Training
    • Collaborate
    • Image Editing
    • Kaltura (Drexel Streams)
    • Drexel Learn
    • Microsoft SharePoint
    • University Calendar

Getting Started

To reserve a spot at any of these workshops, email the ITG at with your name, institution (if other than Drexel), contact information, and the name of the workshop(s) you would like to attend.

Training Sessions

A schedule for all workshops and training sessions offered by IT can be found on the Workshops & Training page.

Requesting Help

Contact the Instructional Technology Group at or call 215.895.1224.

Recently attend a workshop, demo or training? Please leave us some feedback so we know how we're doing.

Additional Information

Due to Korman renovations: (1) ITG-led training sessions may utilize a virtual delivery mode (in Collaborate or Zoom), (2) the ITG may produce, publicize, and share more self-serve video tutorials and the like, and (3) ITG professionals will offer to conduct customized trainings to any academic units and administrative departments requesting it – in their own facilities, for software and applications that the ITG supports.