Wired Network (Ethernet)

Overview of Service

Most Drexel University offices, classrooms, laboratories, and public spaces have at least one wired network station supporting active network jacks.

Description & Features

  • Fastest, most secure Internet access on campus)--three to one hundred times faster than the most advanced wireless networks
  • 1 Gigabit/second Internet access speed
  • Dual 1 and 10 Gigabit/second building connections
  • 15,000 active jacks

Getting Started

Plug your Ethernet cable into an available jack.

Activation for existing network jacks, change or relocation of service, or to have new network jacks installed contact the Network Operations Center at network-request@drexel.edu or 215.895.6666 with a detailed description of your request.

Requesting Help

Contact the IT Help Desk at 215.895.2020 or email consult@drexel.edu.

Additional Information

Static IP Requests

Statically assigned IP addresses and domain name addresses for computers and network devices by emailing hosts@drexel.edu.

Residence Hall Network Jacks

For students connecting to network jacks in residence halls, see ResNet (Residence Hall Wired Network).