University File Server

Overview of Service

The Drexel University File Server (sometimes referred to as a "network drive" or a "shared drive") can be used by groups to store folders and files they are actively working on in a collaborative environment. Shared folders and files are updated real-time in the file server, which thus provides space for colleagues to easily swap and modify files.

Description & Features

  • 100 GB free storage space
  • 450 MB storage space per folder
  • Daily backups, and twice daily snapshots that allow users to recover accidentally deleted files
  • Mirrored storage to a secondary location for disaster protection
  • Professionally administered permissions
  • Share names available for departments and or Colleges
  • Project space available for inter-departmental projects

Getting Started

Provide the Accounts Office ( with your department name and the user IDs of people who should have access to the shared folder on the server.

Use the "Run" dialog on PCs to navigate the filepath to your shared folders. Create shortcuts to shared folders on your desktop.

Requesting Help

For assistance, or if you need expanded storage for your department or a dedicated volume(s), email the IT Accounts team at or call the IT Help Desk at 215.895.2020. Include a brief justification regarding the increase.

Additional Information

For sensitive/protected data, an encrypted file share must be used. See the SafeGuard Encrypted File Share page.

The University File Server is for storing active shared documents and should not be used to back up computers; IT offers other file backup services for both personal and University-owned computers.