Photo Class List

Overview of Service

Photo Class List allows instructors to review class rosters, print student names and photos for attendance, and quickly email their class—either through a "quick email" form (no attachments), or a ListServ list that uses one email address instead of many and provides the confidentiality of a BCC. Class rosters and email lists are automatically updated on a term-by-term basis.

Description & Features

  • Automatic updates for classes in the current term
  • Printable names and photos for each student registered in the class
  • Rosters for registered students and their email addresses with automatic updating for add/drop
  • Exportable student addresses in Excel
  • "Quick Email" form and ListServ lists for emailing classes

Getting Started

Sign in at or navigate to DrexelOne > Faculty > Course Administration > Photo Class List. Print a student name/photo list for each of your classes, if needed. If you need to email a class, either use the "Quick Email" form (limited functionality, no attachments) or submit a request for the creation of an automatically-updated ListServ email list.

Requesting Help

Contact the Mass Mailing team at or call 215.895.2913

Additional Information

ListServ lists for classes are created manually on request. If you need to combine class sections into one list (a "master" list), email directly with the request. We can also add personal addresses to a list, and add TAs as list owners by direct request. Note that ListServ class lists become inactive and thus unusable after the term has ended.

Note: Access to Photo Class List requires connection to the Drexel VPN.