Microsoft Office 365

Overview of Service

Office 365 is the newest version of the Microsoft Office suite, and contains all of the suites' familiar apps and most-used functions. Office 365 apps are integrated with other Microsoft cloud services, such as SharePoint and OneDrive, and can be accessed directly in those services. Office 365 is available to all students, faculty, and professional staff.

Office 365 Apps:

Description & Features

  • All of the familiar Office apps and features
  • Integration with Drexel accounts and Microsoft cloud services
  • Free for current members of the Drexel community

Getting Started

Multi-Factor Authentication is required for sign-in to Office 365.

For Students

Sign in (or go to with your Drexel email address (userID in the format abc123). If you haven't installed Office 365 apps yet, you will be taken to the installation page. Self-sign up is not enabled for Drexel students.

For Faculty and Professional Staff

Sign in (or go to with your Drexel email address (userID in the format abc123) on your personal device.

Note: While you can install Office 365 on a Drexel-owned machine, doing so will use one of the limited allotment of free licenses provided by Microsoft. However, Office 2016 will be made available for Drexel-owned machines through Software Center for Windows and Self Service for macOS.

Requesting Help

Contact the IT Help Desk at 215.895.2020 or email

Additional Information

To view a breakdown of features, support, and recommended usage of Office 365 apps, see our Office 365 Features page.

If you have a previous installation of a recent version of Office on your computer, such as Office 2013, installation of Office 365 will uninstall and replace it.

If faculty or professional staff are looking to upgrade the version of Microsoft Office on their Drexel-owned computer, please consult the IT Help Desk for assistance.