Media:Scape Tables

Overview of Service

Up to six laptops can be connected to the table via VGA ports, and up to two laptop screens can be viewed simultaneously on the table's 40-inch flat panel displays.

This collaborative setup is perfect for group work, projects, co-authored presentations or papers, and similar activities. Groups can discuss, critique, and modify Web sites, graphics, photographs, etc. together.

Description & Features

  • Seating for 6 with laptops
  • Dual-screen setup
  • Ideal for collaborative projects and discussions
  • One table available at the Tech Lounge on the Square

Getting Started

One Media:Scape table is currently available for us in the Tech Lounge on the Square (3208 Chestnut Street). Help Desk personnel there are ready help you get started.

Requesting Help

Help and instructions for use can obtained from Help Desk personnel in the Tech Lounge on the Square (3208 Chestnut Street).

Additional Information

Anyone can use the Media:Scape table—just ask!