
Overview of Service

Drexel, in partnership with the Three Rivers Optical Exchange (3ROX) of Carnegie Mellon University, provides access to Internet2, a revolutionary-class IP and optical network, created by, led by, and designed for the U.S. research and education community.

Internet2's superior connectivity allows for the transfer of massively large data sets, communications using high-definition, real-time multimedia data streams, and other advanced networking technologies that could not be sustained over the commodity Internet.

Description & Features

  • Member network traffic exchanged or routed over a 100 Gbps high performance, low-latency national backbone
  • ION Circuit enabled
  • Service from Philadelphia to the 14 universities of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE), the School District of Philadelphia, and the Drexel University College of Medicine
  • No end-user or application reconfiguration required

Getting Started

All network traffic at Drexel destined for an Internet2-connected member institution is automatically transported over the Internet2 backbone. There is no end-user or application reconfiguration required to take advantage of the benefits of Internet2 connectivity.

Additional Information

Other Internet2 consortium members, which include 221 U.S. Universities, 45 leading corporations, 66 government agencies and labs, 35 regional and state research networks, and more than 100 national research and education organizations representing 50 countries, gain Internet2 access through one of the other 19 Internet2 Connectors.