Full Disk Encryption

Overview of Service

Drexel manages Microsoft BitLocker on Windows devices and Apple FileVault on macOS to encrypt all internal disk drives. Full disk encryption protects the contents of laptops, desktops, and tablet PCs by preventing the data stored on the computer from being accessed if it is lost or stolen, protecting personal and University data.

Description & Features

  • Protection of sensitive data from loss or theft
  • Continuous encryption with little to no impact on performance
  • Provides Safe Harbor if a device is lost or stolen

Getting Started

IT recommends that encrypted computers subscribe to a secure file backup service such as CrashPlan.

To ensure that data is kept safe and secure, the process of encrypting a computer involves several steps. This page outlines the major steps so that you can know what to expect when you are contacted by the IT professional to begin the process.

Requesting Help

Contact the IT Help Desk at helpdesk@drexel.edu or call 215.895.2020.

Additional Information

Full disk encryption goes hand-in-hand with a secure backup service, such as CrashPlan. Should the hard drive fail, or should it get lost or stolen, a data backup might become your only option for recovering your data.

All Drexel-owned computers and devices must be encrypted, per the Data Security Initiative.