Drexel Office 365 Email

Overview of Service

Drexel is transitioning email to Office 365, which offers better web and mobile device support, calendar and contact integration, 50 GB for storage, and improved email security. Matriculated students and all paid faculty and professional staff are provided with email service through Microsoft Office 365.

Description & Features

  • 50 GB of storage space
  • Group creation and collaboration
  • Improved email security
  • Mobile support

Getting Started

Be sure to pick up your accounts at accounts.drexel.edu if you are new to Drexel. To access email:

Via the Web Interface: Sign in with your Drexel email and password at portal.office.com and click the "Mail" tile.

Via Email Client (e.g. Outlook or Apple Mail): You may install Office 2016, including the Outlook desktop client, by signing in to portal.office.com with your Drexel credentials and clicking "Install Office 2016." Once Outlook (or Apple Mail on Macs) is installed, add your email account using your Drexel sign-in credentials.

Via Mobile Device: Set up an Office 365 account in the mail app and sign in with your Drexel credentials.

Requesting Help

Contact the Drexel IT Accounts Team at accounts@drexel.edu, or call 215.895.2020.

Additional Information

About IMAP Access

Faculty who require the older Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) may request an email configuration variance. Requests are reviewed by deans and information security and privacy officials. More information is available on the request form [PDF].