Computer Imaging

Overview of Service

Computer imaging and re-imaging services are available to Drexel faculty and professional staff for their Drexel-provided machines. These services are not available to students or to personally-owned machines.

The Drexel IT image is a pre-formatted installer of the appropriate operating system, either Windows 10 or macOS. All computers part of the annual faculty refresh receive the Drexel image, with appropriate settings and applications, from Drexel IT before each computer is delivered to its recipient.

Faculty and professional staff may also request a re-image, or wipe and re-install, of the operating system for their Drexel-provided computers.

Description & Features

  • Installs fresh operating system with Drexel settings and applications for new Drexel-provided computers.
  • Clears and refreshes computers with corrupted operating system installs.
  • Wipes hard drives of all previous data.
  • Clears viral infection and corruption, such as keyloggers, trojans, and registry changes.
  • For Drexel-provided computers only.

Getting Started

All computers purchased as part of faculty refresh receive a Drexel "image," or operating system with pre-installed Drexel settings and applications, as soon as they arrive from the vendor to Drexel IT. Imaging services thus do not need to be requested for refresh computers.

Drexel-provided computers may be re-imaged in the event of data corruption or viral infection. If you need a computer re-imaged, contact the Drexel IT Desktop team at

Requesting Help

Contact the Drexel IT Desktop team at, or sign in at to submit a help ticket.

Additional Information

Prior to re-imaging, back up any data that needs to be saved via CrashPlan. The re-imaging process wipes the entire hard drive.