BeyondTrust (formerly Bomgar)

Overview of Service

BeyondTrust Remote Support (formerly Bomgar) is used by University IT staff and other support teams to assist end users with technical issues directly on their computer. Using a secure connection, a representative can troubleshoot and resolve issues in real-time without having to physically visit an end user.

Description & Features

  • Remote support of computers and select mobile devices
  • Screen-sharing and remote control
  • Session logs

Getting Started

Departments interested in purchasing a seat for BeyondTrust Remote Support can contact IT via email ( to be put in touch with the IT Business Management office for a budget transfer. Each department usually uses only one seat, but if they anticipate more than two people using the service at the same time, additional seats should be purchased.

Requests for set up should include a list of userIDs (abc123) or an Active Directory group of who should have access to the service.

Training Sessions

Training sessions are held on an ad hoc basis, and at least once a quarter. Once a department signs on, a training session can be scheduled by request.

Requesting Help

Users experiencing issues with BeyondTrust Remote Support can contact the Help Desk ( and they will troubleshoot any issues/escalate to BeyondTrust Support directly as required.

End users looking for technical assistance via BeyondTrust Remote Support should contact the department they require help from directly for support, and will utilize the service if warranted.

Additional Information

All sessions are recorded on the system and accessible to only the support team that initiates the session. Please advise users when connecting to close out of any confidential information prior to beginning a session.