Banner Administrative

Overview of Service

Ellucian Banner is an integrated administrative suite of higher education software products. It is the Drexel University official system of record for student, financial aid, finance, and human resources information.

Description & Features

  • Streamlines administrative processes, reduces paperwork, and increases staff productivity
  • Keeps staff on top of operational activities
  • Fuses administrative and academic functions that make it easy to manage data
  • Provides secure, 24/7, online access to information for all key stakeholders
  • Keeps the institution in compliance with requirements from outside agencies

Banner is a tightly integrated suite of proven, scalable, enterprise-wide applications on a single database:

  • Banner Admissions - receives regular updates of key Admissions metrics from Slate, the Admissions system of record for recruits and applicants

  • Banner Financial Aid - used to help manage and administer student aid and the many services that are provided by the Financial Aid Office and Drexel Central

  • Banner Student - Drexel University official system of record for student information related to demographics, academics and registration

  • Banner Finance - Drexel University official system of record for financial information related to accounts receivable, budget, and accounting

  • Banner HR - Drexel University official system of record for employee information related to payroll, position control, benefits, and certifications

Getting Started

Attend the necessary training for your appropriate module.

Training Sessions

Training sessions and materials for Banner modules can be found here.

To request training, contact

Requesting Help

IT Core Enterprise Systems (CES) provides support for Banner, and can be contacted at For questions regarding Banner and other business applications, call the IT Help Desk at 215.895.2020.

Additional Information

See the Business Support Services Directory for a full breakdown of support for business applications.

BannerWeb is used to access certain data and services supplied by Banner. See DrexelOne Portal for more information on the Banner data users can access via BannerWeb.