IT Support & Knowledge Base

RemedyForce is the Drexel IT help management system for the IT support of Drexel faculty, professional staff, and students.

Submit a Help Request

Sign in with your Drexel credentials at

If you can't sign in, email the IT Help Desk at or call 215.895.2020.

Notification Emails

You might receive emails from RemedyForce without prior submission of a help request. These emails are NOT scams/phishing, and in fact contain important information regarding your accounts or services. The following is an example of an email that came from the Drexel IT help management system:

Comped Account Email REAL

Browse the Knowledge Base

In addition to submitting a help ticket, self-help is available through the RemedyForce knowledge base, which contains answers to common Drexel IT and online learning questions. Sign in with your Drexel credentials at