University File Server

The Drexel University File Server,, (sometimes referred to as a "network drive" or a "shared drive") may be used by groups to store files that they are working on collaboratively. Each department is allocated 100 GB of storage on the file server.

Request Space

To create a shared folder on the regular file server, provide the Accounts Office ( with your department name and the user IDs of people who should have access. Permissions can be granted to entire folders or restricted to specific subfolders. If the shared folder is for a Project, including inter-departmental collaboration, please let the Accounts Office know in your request.

For the secured file server, email your department name, a brief description of the data you are looking to store, an estimation as to how much storage space will be required, and point of contact to the IT Operational Security team at Additional access for users can be granted later by emailing with a list of userIDs and computer names.

File Backup Services and User Folders

The University File Server is for storing active shared documents and should not be used to back up computers; IT offers other file backup services for both personal and university-owned computers.

Additionally, personal user data should not be saved on the University File Servers. Instead, use OneDrive which provides a large storage quota.

Additional Information

Permissions can be granted to entire folders or restricted to specific subfolders (restricting specific files is not recommended). Shared folders and files on the file server can only be accessed while on campus or via Drexel VPN if off campus.

Multiple Windows file servers provide hundreds of shared volumes. By default, each user is limited to storing 3GB of data. This limit can be increased upon request by sending a message to Permissions are maintained by providing access to Active Directory groups.