Drexel Guest Wireless Network


The Drexel Guest Network is provided for the convenience of visitors and guests. The Drexel Guest network offers basic web browsing and is limited to specific services that are publicly available.

The Drexel Guest Network provides the following:

  • Basic internet access for your wireless computer or device. Similar to what you find in public and open Internet cafes. 
  • Safe access through OpenDNS to protect you from many forms of attack including malware, botnets and phishing.
  • Access to VPN services for guests

University Community Members Should Connect to DragonFly3

DragonFly3 is the University's preferred wireless network available to students, faculty, and staff with a current University User ID. DragonFly3 offers greater bandwidth, fewer restrictions, and relief from some radio interference. DragonFly3 is available for Windows, Mac OS X, iPhone, iPad, iPod and many other computers and smartphones. Community members may follow the instructions to connect to DragonFly3.

How To Connect

  • Choose "DrexelGuest" from the list of  available wireless networks.
  • Open a browser and attempt to access a web site, you should be directed to the Drexel Guest login page. If you are not automatically redirected, please browse to http://drexelguest.drexel.edu.
  • Follow the instructions, providing your email address to login to the guest network.

Drexel Guest Restrictions:

  • The Drexel Guest network is "outside" of the campus network. It does not provide access to any service that requires a connection from the campus network such as Drexel IT's Software Download website.
  • Guest network users will be required to authenticate (by providing their email address) each time they connect and after 8 hours of continuous use.
  • Bandwidth restriction: 3mb download / 1mb upload
  • Browsing restrictions against certain sites that may not be appropriate for minors as provided by OpenDNS' content filters. Including for example sites that are classified as pornographic, tasteless, sexual, adult themed, hate & discrimination, drugs & alcohol, gambling, dating, weapons, etc.

Technical Details

All outgoing ports are blocked except:

  • TCP 80, 443, 8000, 8080
  • UDP 67, 4500, 1701, 500, 68, DNS to OpenDNS only
  • ICMP

Sponsored User Accounts

The guest network meets the needs of most visitors and groups. For circumstances where you believe the drexel guest access will not suit your needs, please contact  network-request@drexel.edu to request a short-term sponsored user account for your visitors.  Sponsored user accounts are not subject to the bandwidth or port (access) restrictions listed above. However, the network remains "outside" of the campus network and content restrictions provided by OpenDNS remain in effect.

Connection Instructions for Sponsored Guests
  • connect to the wireless network "drexelguest".
  • Once connected to the network, open a web browser to be redirected to the Drexel Guest Welcome Page.
  • If not automatically redirected, please point your browser to http://drexelguest.drexel.edu. Once you reach the Welcome Page, select the “Sponsored User” link and log in with Username and Password credentials provided by your sponsor. 
 Rules and Best Practices for Drexel Community Members Acting as Sponsors

Once your guests arrive on-campus you may share the sponsored guests credentials with them. To protect the Drexel community, please refrain from publishing the credentials, or any, guest account information on unprotected web sites or on any publicly accessible documentation. 

Drexel community members sponsoring events are reminded that  Wi-Fi radio frequencies are a shared resource and all Wi-Fi users will contend for available bandwidth in the air.  Event organizers are  discouraged from asking large groups of guests from completing large downloads simultaneously. For example, for the best experience steer clear of  use models where an instructor or speaker asks all guests in the room to "download now”.

Note: Long term visitors should consider applying for a drexel account, the guest network is not intended for long-term or extended use.