DragonFly3 Configuration Parameters

DragonFly3 is an 802.11 wireless network operating in both the 2.4GHz(bgn) and 5GHz(an) frequencies requiring WPA2/802.1X enterprise security.  Use the following table to help you configure your non-standard operating system. 

Drexel IT provides full support for Windows, Mac OS X, and iOS operating systems and will make a best effort to help you configure other non-standard devices when possible.  

DragonFly3 Configuration Parameters:

Parameter Value
SSID dragonfly3
WiFi frequency      2.4GHz, 5GHz
 Security Type  WPA2-Enterprise (802.1X)
Encryption  AES
EAP Negotiation - EAP Method  Protected EAP (PEAP)
Authentication (Phase 2)   MSCHAPv2
Radius Server  radius.irt.drexel.edu
CA Certificate / Trusted CAs  Unspecified* (* You are possibly open to a MITM attack)
USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Anonymous Identity (Outer Identity) Leave Blank
 Identity / User Name  Drexel User ID (e.g. abc123)
 Password  Drexel User ID (domain) Password (e.g. mysecret)