Internet2 Connectivity

Drexel provides its students, faculty, and professional staff with access to Internet2, an advanced optical network, created by, led by, and designed for the U.S. research and education community. Drexel's connection to the national network is via a 100 Gbps link. Drexel also provides Internet2 service to the Keystone Initiative for Network Based Education and Research (KINBER), Bryn Mawr College, Haverford College, the School District of Philadelphia, and Swarthmore College.

Internet2 members exchange network traffic over a 100 Gbps high performance, low-latency national backbone. This superior connectivity allows for the transfer of massively large data sets, communications using high-definition, real-time multimedia data streams, and other advanced networking technologies that could not be sustained over the commodity Internet. Using Internet2 requires no end-user or application reconfiguration.