DrexelOne Mobile App

DrexelOne Mobile is a free app that lets to users access personal, academic, financial, and career information from phones running Android and iOS.

While the focus of the app is on providing quick information to the students, faculty, and professional staff at Drexel, it's usable by everyone interested in Drexel campus maps, a directory, local merchants and menus, shuttle bus information, Dragon athletics, and general campus news and events.

How do I get DrexelOne Mobile?

Use the links below to learn more or install the the right app for your type of phone. Scroll down to see which features are supported on each platform. Our goals are a native look and feel with broad feature parity while exploiting platform-specific features where useful.

View screen snapshots and reviews Install App
for Android phones and
tablets at Google Play
Download app for Android
for iPhone and iPad
at Apple App Store
Download app for iPhone

Does DrexelOne Mobile do email?

DrexelOne Mobile is for smartphones and those already have really good built-in email apps. To help you, we made instructions for using those with your Drexel email account. Links to those instructions are built in to the apps (look in Settings).

Does DrexelOne Mobile work with Blackboard?

As a dashboard, the app shows course announcements, events, and gradebook entries; faculty also can see some student activity tracking data from the Photo Class List area. To get the most from Learn while on the go, you should install the Bb Student app from the app store for your mobile device. You'll find it for Android and iOS.

What features does DrexelOne Mobile have?

A lot! The focus has been on creating a dashboard for time-critical information and a tool to find more information both from your own records and from public information sources at Drexel. The sections below shows the major functions; the tables dive into the nitty-gritty of features on each platform.


Shows students their courses, advisors, instructor contact information, schedules, and reported grades. Shows faculty teaching load and photo class lists.

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
Courses I'm teaching Yes Yes
Courses I'm taking Yes Yes
Class meeting time schedule List, Grid List, Grid*
Finals Schedule List List, Grid*
GPA and grades Yes Yes
Academic advisor contact info Yes Yes
* For weekly grids on iPhone, turn the phone to landscape.

Photo Class Lists

Shows students currently registered in a class and ways to contact those students. Selecting a student provides student and advisor contact info, and the Blackboard Learn gradebook for the student in this class.

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
Basic student list Yes Yes
Email students Yes Yes

Course Details

Course meeting information (when and where), instructors with contact information, and Blackboard Learn announcements, events, and gradebook for each course that you're taking.

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
Meeting times and places Yes Yes
Link courses to phone's calendar Yes Yes
Blackboard Announcements Yes Yes
Blackboard Calendar/Events Yes Yes
Blackboard Gradebook Yes Yes

Instructors and Advisors

Contact information and your course instructors and academic advisors. (Phone numbers are not shown for teaching assistants. Not all addresses can be mapped.)

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
Show title and department Yes Yes
Phone person Yes Yes
Email person Yes Yes
Show on map Yes Yes
Add to contacts Yes Yes


Shows key university announcements about your academic progress and status at the university. Student may choose to have notices "pushed" to their phone as the notices are posted.

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
Grade postings/changes Yes Yes
Holds placed on your records Yes Yes
Push notification Yes Yes


Shows the schedule of upcoming on-campus coop job interviews. Tapping an interview shows details of it including the job number, employer, title, and description.

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
Agenda view of interviews Yes Yes
Details of job Yes Yes


Shows dollars and meals remaining on DragonCards. For medical faculty and all professional staff, shows accrued leave time.

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
Funds available Yes Yes
List recent transactions Yes Yes
Meals available Yes Yes
Accrued leave time Yes Yes
Adjustable leave day estimates Yes Yes

Campus Maps

Campus maps for University City, Center City, Queen Lane, and Sacramento.

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
Select campus Yes Yes
Markers for each building Yes Yes
Markers for other places Yes Yes
Search by name Yes Yes


Find students, faculty, or professional staff at Drexel, the College of Medicine, or the Academy of Natural Sciences.

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
Select type of person Yes Yes
Phone person Yes Yes
Email person Yes Yes
Show on map Yes Yes
Add to contacts Yes Yes

Food and Shopping

List merchants who accept the DragonCard, provide contact and hours information, display menus where available.

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
Food and shopping categories Yes Yes
Merchant subcategories Yes Yes
Open/closed indicator on list Yes Yes
Hans & Club menus Yes Yes
Full/Vegetarian/Vegan menus Yes Yes
Full nutritional information Yes Yes
Menus for additional restaurants Some Some
Show on map Yes Yes
Add to contacts Yes Yes


Shuttle bus schedules with GPS-enhanced walking time+distance estimates.

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
Quick view of upcoming buses Yes Yes
GPS walking time estimate Yes Yes
Full schedule of each route Yes Yes

News and Events

Campus events calendar selectable by event category and sub-category. Feature stories from Drexel Now and news from The Triangle.

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
Two-week view of events Yes Yes
Selectable by event categories Yes Yes
Drexel Now feature stories Yes Yes
News from The Triangle Yes Yes


News about the Drexel Dragons, scores from recent Dragons games, and upcoming events with home games highlighted.

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
News by sport/topic Yes Yes
Recent scores Yes Yes
Upcoming games Yes Yes

Candid Campus

DrexelOne's photo-of-the-day and alternate caption diversion.

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
Recent photos archive Yes Yes
Submit photo and caption Yes Yes
Write alternate captions No Yes
Vote on alternate captions No Yes

Candid Question

DrexelOne's poll-of-the-day and commenting diversion.

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
Recent polls archive Yes Yes
Answer the poll Yes Yes
Write comments Yes Yes
Rate others' comments No Yes


Additional functions pertaining to app settings or the app itself rather than the services that it accesses.

Function Android iPhone
or iPad
Virtual ID card Yes Yes
Privacy PIN for personal data No No
Feature request/bug report Yes Yes
Report unexpected quits Yes Yes
Release notes/update notices Yes Yes
Remember settings on logout Yes Yes
Live Tile/Widget No N/A
Enhanced offline use Yes Yes