Frequently Asked Questions about the Consolidation of COM IT and IT

Will support and training for Allscripts or IDX change?

No, IT staff will continue to support these critical clinical and billing platforms.

Who should I contact when I need IT assistance?

Please continue to call the COM IT help desk at 215-762-1999 with any questions.

Will our IT services change for the College of Medicine?

You will continue to get a mix of services provided by the IT professional staff. Services that are college-specific will continue to be provided by the College of Medicine’s IT organization while university-wide services will continue to come from the University’s Drexel University Information Technology.

Will my email addresses have to change back to

At this time, all services will remain the same. As the University continues to roll out improved security and encryption layers for email, we’ll continue to evaluate this process.

Will my user ID and password change?

No. Access to IT services and DrexelOne will remain the same, with no need to change your user ID or password for time reporting, benefits, or leave balances.

How will administrative departments that span both Drexel University and DUCOM be impacted by the consolidation in regards to IT?

The email integration work has already yielded improvements for Outlook users who can now view free/busy times for end users of both systems, making it much easier to plan joint meetings. As security standards become more alike, additional integrations and simplifications will be announced.

Will the consolidation mean that there’s one IT department for all of Drexel?

Yes, but you will still receive support for College of Medicine specific software and systems by a dedicated group of IT professionals who are familiar with the products used and services required. The department will continue to support the faculty and professional staff of the College as well as specialized applications needed for academic, administrative, clinical, and research operations.

Will the consolidation impact computer or email security and encryption requirements?

Not initially. Long term, the University is looking to adopt a single data security and encryption standard based on data classification.

Will the consolidation impact information privacy?

The Chief Privacy Officer, the Director of Privacy Services, the committees of the University Data Privacy Program, and the IT security teams will work to harmonize policies and responses related to FERPA, Gramm-Leach-Bliley, HIPAA, PCI, and other legislation and industry mandates impacting privacy.

Will the consolidation change IT security responsibilities?

The College of Medicine Information Technology group already has an IT security team in place and it will keep that team, which will remain responsible for issues contained within the academic, administrative, research, and clinical areas of College of Medicine. The University's Drexel University Information Technology will continue to handle security issues for all other academic and administrative units. The University is currently working with Gartner Consulting to review our current Information Security Programs and will make recommendations on how to improve our Security posture moving forward.