Visitors in University Laboratories

Drexel benefits from the presence of many visitors and volunteers who come to the University for limited periods of time to participate in its research programs. These individuals may be given either salaried or non-salaried appointments for their research activities. Others wish to use the facilities of the University to engage in their own research or learn new research techniques. These individuals do not hold University appointments, do not provide services to the University, and may not receive compensation. They are instead designated as visiting scholars or visiting scientists. In addition, individuals who are members of the University community as students or employees may provide uncompensated volunteer services in research-related activities that are not part of their course of study or position at the University.

A “visitor” is considered any person who enters a laboratory, clinic area, animal facility, or other potentially hazardous area upon the express or implied invitation of the site’s director/supervisor. A “volunteer” is considered any person who, by his/her own decision, provides services to Drexel University with no monetary or material compensation. We have an obligation to ensure that the activities of these visitors and volunteers are conducted in a safe manner. These individuals are subject to the same university policies as employees, as well as applicable federal, state, and local laws that may apply to their activities. 

Any Principal Investigator sponsoring visitors or volunteers under the age of 18 that are not currently matriculating at the university must adhere to the below requirements as well as the Minors in Research Laboratories requirements. 

There are several restrictions and approvals necessary for visitors and volunteers performing various types of work. The following restrictions and approvals are required where applicable:

Principal investigators must add all visitors and volunteers to BioRAFT as lab members and complete the job activity assessment upon approval. All visitors and volunteers must complete the required online training courses prior to working in any university laboratory. These individuals must also read and comply with the University’s Laboratory Safety Manual and Chemical Hygiene Plan. The Principal Investigator or the visitor’s/volunteer’s sponsor will be required to provide task-specific training in handling hazardous materials. The sponsor is responsible for assessing the individual’s level of competence and providing further training as necessary. All task specific training must be documented and uploaded to BioRAFT

It is the responsibility of any person sponsoring a visitor or volunteer to ensure the individual understands and is compliant with these requirements. It is also the sponsor’s responsibility to ensure the laboratory/facility is in full compliance with all applicable university safety policies and procedures. In the event that the visitor/volunteer or the laboratory is not compliant with these requirements, the visitor/volunteer may be removed from the laboratory and no longer granted permission to perform research activities in a Drexel University laboratory. You may contact the Office of Research & Innovation with any questions or concerns regarding the visitor/volunteer requirements.


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Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.