Mercury Safety

There are three (3) forms of mercury: elemental mercury, inorganic mercury, and organic mercury. Organic or methyl mercury is the most hazardous. The mercury usually encountered in patient-care settings is elemental mercury also known as metallic mercury, liquid mercury, liquid silver, and quicksilver. Elemental mercury is found in mercury thermometers, fluorescent light bulbs, dental amalgam fillings, and electrical equipment. Elemental mercury is an extremely heavy, odorless, silver-colored liquid. Mercury easily breaks up into smaller and smaller beads of liquid because it has such a low viscosity. This characteristic makes mercury spills hard to contain and clean-up. 

Any amount of mercury spilled must be treated as a major spill event. 

Elemental Mercury is not well-absorbed through the skin so skin contact is not likely to cause mercury poisoning, especially with a brief one-time exposure. Inhalation of elemental mercury vapors is the main source of toxicity, as mercury is well-absorbed through the lungs. Problems from inhalation result either from a large one-time high exposure or a long-term exposure. Long-term exposure of inhaled vapors is generally more dangerous with the nervous system being the primary target of mercury toxicity. At normal air temperatures, elemental mercury evaporates slowly and its vapors are heavier than air and tend to remain near the floor or source, but as the temperature rises and as the mercury is disturbed, more vapors can become airborne.

Other types of mercury like methyl mercury rapidly absorbed through the skin. Care must be taken to prevent exposures. 

Each Clinical Manager will survey their respective practices for the presence of mercury containing medical devices. This survey should be summarized by location, type of device (thermometers, blood pressure cuff, etc.), and quantity. Each department shall reduce mercury containing and/or equipment whenever possible by utilizing alternate products. Submit a chemical pick-up request to dispose any unwanted or damaged mercury containing item(s).

Mercury Resources:


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Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.