April 30, 2014
On April 8, five students from the Materials Science and Engineering Department of Drexel University’s College of Engineering paid a visit to Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. They spent time in the Senate and House office buildings meeting with staffers of U.S. Senators and Representatives and advocating for increased federal funding of basic STEM research. This was part of the Congressional Visitations Day, which was sponsored by the Material Advantage in collaboration with the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Over 30 people from different Universities participated on these meetings, which were all held on April 8th.
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April 30, 2014
Two materials Ph.D. students received Materials Research Society (MRS) Graduate Student Awards at the 2014 MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit in San Francisco, CA.
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April 29, 2014
Antonios Kontsos, a P.C. Chou Endowed Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, recently received the 2014 ONR Young Investigator Program award for his proposal titled, “Identification of Fatigue Precursors for Multi-scale NDE & Prognostics.” This highly prestigious award received by Kontsos is one of only 24 awardees nationwide.
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April 28, 2014
Distinguished University and Trustee Chair Professor Yury Gogotsi delivered the Fred Kavli Distinguished Lectureship in Nanoscience at the 2014 MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit.
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April 25, 2014
The Delaware Valley Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers held their annual awards banquet at Widener University on April 23, 2014. An outstanding senior, junior, and sophomore student from each of five area universities were honored.
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April 25, 2014
Drexel’s Wei Sun, PhD, Albert Soffa chair professor in the College of Engineering, has devised a method for 3D printing tumors that could soon be taking cancer research out of the petri dish.
Using a mixture of cervical cancer cells and a hydrogel substance that resembles an ointment balm, Sun can print out a tumor model that can be used for studying their growth and response to treatment. This living model will give cancer researchers a better look at how tumors behave and a more accurate measure of how they respond to treatment.
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April 24, 2014
Drexel’s Wei Sun, PhD, Albert Soffa chair professor in the College of Engineering, has devised a method for 3D printing tumors that could soon be taking cancer research out of the petri dish.
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April 23, 2014
Mark Hempstead, Ph.D., has received a National Science Foundation CAREER grant entitled, “Combating Dark Silicon through Specialization: Communication-Aware Tiled Many-Accelerator Architectures."
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April 23, 2014
The press of a button triggering a chain reaction of more than 300 energy transfers will serve as the elaborate opening to the 2014 Philadelphia Science Festival. The harbinger of this year’s week of science excitement is a Rube Goldberg machine –a complex device designed to perform a simple task- built by Drexel engineering students with the goal of setting a world record.
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April 22, 2014
The Drexel University Construction Management Program is pleased to announce the Teams for the Associated Schools of Construction - ASC Region 1 Competition in November 2014. Drexel CMGT is fielding a team of six each in the Commercial Building Construction and Heavy Construction Divisions. Team selection was based on academic performance criteria and the student’s demonstrated commitment to excellence.
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April 22, 2014
Rishon Benjamin won the Goldwater Scholarship last year, and this year his twin brother, Alex, won the same prestigious honor.
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April 22, 2014
Drexel University’s Concrete Canoe competition recently won 1st place overall at the 2014 ASCE Mid-Atlantic Regionals Competition held April 11-13 at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. As a result of this win, the team will be competing at the National Competition at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown on June 19-21.
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April 22, 2014
The United States needs more science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) teachers. And Drexel has a wealth of bright students studying in those same fields. Now, a new program will connect Drexel’s strength with the nation’s need.
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April 21, 2014
Remix Interactive, a live orchestral performance featuring digitally remixed music and a high-tech light show created and produced by some of Philadelphia’s most talented high school students, will take place as part of the Philadelphia Science Festival on Sunday, April 27. The event will be held at 1:30 p.m. at World Café Live (3025 Walnut St., Philadelphia).
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April 18, 2014
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April 17, 2014
Engineering Technology student and member of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), Joshua Konstantinos, won second place with his senior design project, titled “The Dragon Conductive 3-D Printer” during the 2014 Student Manufacturing Design Competition at the MSEC/NAMC Conference on June 9-14, 2014, in Detroit and Ann Arbor, Michigan. Konstantinos presented the project on Wednesday, June 11, and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners were announced that night during the conference banquet.
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April 16, 2014
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April 16, 2014
Engineers Without Borders, a Drexel University student organization, has gone beyond the borders of engineering and the United States to accomplish a humanitarian project.
This coming June, six students from Drexel’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) will venture to a village called Miramar in El Salvador to implement a collection system that supplies clean water for 160 people in the community. The Miramar project has been the dominant work of EWB for the past five years. Since 2007, the team has taken three assessment trips to examine the site before implementing the water system.
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April 15, 2014
Richa Singhal is the recipient of George Hill, Jr. Endowed Fellowship'14. The award is presented to graduate students for excellence in their undergraduate and graduate careers and potential to achieve academic excellence at the PhD level.
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April 15, 2014
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April 14, 2014
Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering Doctoral student Kerry Hamilton has recently been offered a 2014-15 Fulbright-CSIRO Postgraduate Scholarship. Kerry will be conducting a 10-month research project at Australia’s leading science research organization, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). She will be working with the “Water for a Healthy Country” multidisciplinary National Research Flagship in the laboratory of Dr. Simon Toze and Dr. Warish Ahmed to measure concentrations of waterborne pathogens in roof-harvested rainwater tanks and model their association with meteorological factors. She will also compare two different laboratory methods and conduct a risk assessment to inform Australian public health policies. Outside of the lab, she will be pursuing integrated water resources management coursework at the University of Queensland, volunteering through the CSIRO “Scientists in Schools” Program, and expanding the Brisbane chapter of CSIRO Women in Science.
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April 14, 2014
Their parents joke that they're almost "the same person." So it's only natural that the year after Rishon Benjamin won a Goldwater Scholarship, his twin brother, Alex, won one as well.
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April 14, 2014
Senior Design team from the Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering (CAEE) Department recently represented Drexel University at the 2014 ASCE Charles Pankow Foundation Annual Architectural Engineering Student Competition, held in conjunction with the Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) National Conference hosted by Drexel University on March 27th through the 29th. The Drexel team was represented by CAEE students: Nathan Barry, Jeanine Lancellotti, Natasha Martines, Jalpesh Patel, and Michael Sawin, ECE Student James Myers, and Westphal COMAD student Katrina Connors. Each team had 45 minutes to present their project of the Integrated, Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical Design of a 30-story High Rise Office Building located at 350 Mission Street in San Francisco, CA. This year’s team won the competition’s Most Innovative Project Award for a second consecutive year and was also the runner-up in Structural Design.
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April 14, 2014
Two Drexel University College of Engineering faculty have earned recognition from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for their significant research endeavors.
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April 11, 2014
On Tuesday, April 8, Former Colorado Governor and Director of the Center for the New Energy Economy at Colorado State University Bill Ritter sat down with the College of Engineering Dean, Joseph Hughes, for a Q&A about America’s transition to a clean-energy economy. The conversation, the first in a series organized by the A.J. Drexel Institute for Energy and the Environment (IExE focused on solutions that will create clean, sustainable energy in America and globally.
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April 10, 2014
The 2014 AIChE Delaware Valley Section Award Nominees were recently release and Harrison Bradley, a CBE undergraduate student, was nominated for the prestigious Zeisberg Best Laboratory Report Award.
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April 10, 2014
Five students from the Electrical and Computer Engineering; Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering; and Materials Science Engineering departments have been awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP) of 2014.
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April 10, 2014
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April 09, 2014
The company, Air Products, recently gifted $50,000 to Drexel University’s College of Engineering, to be distributed to various programs and departments. The Summer Diversity Program will receive $30,000; Freshmen Design Projects, $5,000; the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department, $6,000; and the Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics Department, $6,000.
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April 09, 2014
B.S./M.S. student Emily Buck and incoming Ph.D. student Chelsea Knittel, both advised by associate professor Caroline Schauer, are recipients of the 2014 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. The fellowship provides funding for three years of graduate stipend and tuition support, as well as opportunities to conduct research internationally.
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April 07, 2014
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April 07, 2014
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April 02, 2014
Ph.D. student Michael Naguib has been named a Eugene P. Wigner Fellow.
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April 01, 2014
Drexel University researchers are turning some of the basic tenets of chemistry and physics upside down to cut a trail toward the discovery of a new set of materials. They’re called “polar metals” and, according to many of the scientific principles that govern the behavior of atoms, they probably shouldn’t exist.
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April 01, 2014
Philly Materials Science and Engineering Day 2014 received media coverage from several local news outlets.
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April 01, 2014
Drexel Materials researchers demonstrate a straightforward and widely accessible route to synthesize thin films in which some of the oxygen atoms have been replaced with fluorine atoms, as published in JACS.
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