Associate Professor
Health Management and Policy
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DrPH, Health Policy, Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health
MS, Social Policy, University of Pennsylvania
BA, Psychology, Susquehanna University
Lindsay Shea is the Director of the Policy and Analytics Center at the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute, and an Associate Professor.
The mission of the Policy and Analytics Center is to utilize research methods and innovative analytic strategies to support the development of effective social and health policy in cities, states, and across the U.S.
Shea has led autism-focused projects across Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and with a national scope. Shea first-authored the Pennsylvania Autism Census Report and her research interests are creating and using an evidence base in forming, evaluating, and implementing social and health policies.
Shea holds a doctoral degree in Health Policy from the Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health, Department of Health Management and Policy, and a Master’s degree in Social Policy from the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice.
Research Interests
- Neurodevelopment
- Neurologic disorders
- Mental health
- Behavioral health
- Health policy
Carey ME, Ardeleanu K, Marcus SC, Tao S, Mandell D, Epstein AJ, Shea LL. Short report
on navigating access to care for Medicaid-enrolled autistic youth and young adults:
Examining accrual of intellectual disability diagnoses in adolescence. Autism. 2023. Epub
ahead of print.
Rast JE, Roux AM, Connor G, Ezeh TH, Shea L, Turchu RM, Shattuck PT. The medical
home and mental health services in children and youth with special health care needs.
Maternal Child Health Journal. 2023; Jun;27(6):1097-1106.
Koffer Miller KH, Cooper DS, Ventimiglia JC, Shea LL. Feeling intimidated and
uncomfortable: Established and exacerbated inequities experienced by black parents of
autistic children. Autism Research. 2023; 16(5):1040-1051.
Carey ME, Tao S, Koffer Miller KH, Marcus SC, Mandell DS, Epstein AJ, Shea LL.
Association between Medicaid waivers and Medicaid disenrollment among autistic
adolescents during the transition to adulthood. JAMA Network Open. 2023;6(3):e232768.
Rosenau KA, Hotez E, Fernandes P, Gomez C, Eagan K, Shea L, Kuo A. Anxiety and
depression in autistic college students: The Freshman Survey Results. Cureus. 2023; Mar 6;
Love A, Gibbs V, Cooper D, Benevides T, Mogavero M, Basketbill I, Shea L. Creating the
Global Criminal Justice Survey: A questionnaire designed to gather perspectives from the
autism community and criminal justice system professionals. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders. 2023; 13:1-13.
Hotez E, Shea L. Prioritizing social determinants of health in public health surveillance for
autism. Pediatrics. 2023; 151(2): Epub ahead of print.
Schott W, Tao S, Shea L. Prevalence of high-risk conditions for severe COVID-19 among
Medicaid-enrolled children with autism, mental health diagnoses in the United States.
Autism. 2023. Epub ahead of print.
Rast J, Schott W, Fernandes S, Shea L. Disparities by race and ethnicity in inpatient
hospitalizations among autistic adults. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
2023. Epub ahead of print.
Roux A, Shea L, Steinberg H, Rast J, Anderson K, Hotez E, Rosenau K, Kuo A, AssingMurrary E, Shattuck P. Evidence from the Autism transitions Research Project (2017-2022):
Capstone review and services research recommendations. Autism Research. 2023;
Shea L, Wong M, Song W, Kaplan K, Uppal D, Salzer M. Autistic-delivered peer support: A
feasibility study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2022; 12:1-14.
Shea L, Koffer Miller K, Nonnemacher S, Treadway P, Alford A, Newschaffer CJ, Lee B. The
Periodic Risk Evaluation (PRE): A new tool to identify service and support needs among
autistic adults in Medicaid programs. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 2022. EPub
ahead of print.
Steinberg H, Garfield T, Becker A, Shea L. What category best fits: Understanding
transgender identity in a survey of autistic individuals. Autism in Adulthood. 2022. EPub
ahead of print.
Shea L, Becker A, Lee B, Koffer Miller K, Cooper D, Anderson K, Salzer M, Vanness D. Selfreported COVID-19 vaccination acceptance and hesitancy among autistic adults. Vaccine.
2022; 40(24):3288-3293.
Shattuck P, Shea L. Improving care and service delivery for autistic youth transitioning to
adulthood. Pediatrics. 2022; 149(Suppl 4). EPub ahead of print.
Kuo AA, Hotez E, Rosenau KA, Gragnani C, Fernandes P, Haley M, AIR-P National
Coordinating Center, Rudolph D, Croen LA, Massolo ML, Graham Holmes L, Shattuck P,
Shea L, Wilson R, Martinez-Agosto JA, AIR-P Steering Committee, Brown HM, Dwyer PSR,
Gassner DL, Kapp SK, Ne’eman A, Ryan JG, Waisman TC, Williams ZJ, Autistic Researcher
Review Board, DiBari JN, Foney DM, Ramos LR, Kogan MD. The Autism Intervention
Research Network on Physical Health (AIR-P) Charter. Pediatrics. 2022; 149(Suppl 4). EPub
ahead of print.
Rast J, Roux A, Shea L, Fernandez S, D’Silva V. Hospital inpatient stays for autistic and
other mental, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental disorder youth. Pediatrics. 2022;
149(Suppl 4). EPub ahead of print.
Roux A, Rast J, Shea L. Family perceptions of healthcare access for autistic young adults
receiving disability services. Pediatrics. 2022; 149(Suppl 4). EPub ahead of print.
Schott W, Tao S, Shea L. Emergency visits, children with autism, and children with ADHD.
Pediatrics. 2022; 149(Suppl 4). EPub ahead of print.
Song W, Salzer M, Nonnemacher S, Koffer Miller K, Shea L. Living arrangement and
community participation among autistic adults: Exploring the influence of living alone or with
others. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 2022. EPub ahead of print.
Schendel D, Roux A, Hassrick E, Lyall K, Newschaffer C, Shea L, Vivanti G, Wieckowski A,
Robins D. Applying a public health approach to autism research: A framework for action.
Autism Research. 2022; 15(4):592-601.
Song W, Salzer M, Nonnemacher S, Shea L. Lifespan service receipt and unmet needs
among individuals on the autism spectrum. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. 2022;
Koffer Miller K, Song W, Cooper D, Shea L. Self-reported needs and barriers among autistic
adults: Differences by gender identity. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 2022. EPub
ahead of print.
Roux AM, Tao S, Marcus S, Lushin V, Shea L. A national profile of substance use disorder
among Medicaid enrollees on the autism spectrum or with intellectual disability. Disability
and Health. 2022; 15(2S):101289.
Cooper D, Uppal D, Railey K, Blank Wilson A, Maras K, Zimmerman E, Bornman J, Shea L.
Policy gaps and opportunities: A systematic review of autism spectrum disorder and criminal
justice system intersections. Autism. 2022. EPub ahead of print.
Stimpson J, Becker A, Shea L, Wilson F. Association of health insurance coverage and
probability of dying in an Emergency Department or hospital from a motor vehicle traffic
injury. Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open. 2022;
Hotez E, Rosenau K, Fernandes P, Eagan K, Shea L, Kuo A. A national cross-sectional
study of the characteristics, strengths, and challenges of college students with Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Cureus. 2022;14(1):e21520.
Song W, Salzer M, Pfeiffer B, Shea L. Transportation and community participation among
autistic adults. Inclusion. 2022. EPub ahead of print.
Benevides T, Tao S, Becker A, Verstreate K, Shea L. Occupational therapy service delivery
among Medicaid-enrolled children and adults on the autism spectrum with other intellectual
disabilities. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2022;76(1):7601180100.
Shea L, Field R. Medicaid coverage for autistic individuals: Coverage, gaps, and research
needs. Drexel Law Review. 2021. Rev. 961.
Schott W, Tao S, Shea L. Co-occurring conditions and racial-ethnic disparities: Medicaid-enrolled adults on the autism spectrum. Autism Research. 2021;15(1):70-85.
Koffer Miller K, Becker A, Cooper D, Verstreate K, Shea L. Justice system interactions among autistic individuals: A multiple methods analysis. Crime & Delinquency, 2021. EPub ahead of print.
Song W, Salzer M, Nonnemacher S, Shea L. Community participation among autistic adults and associated characteristics: A latent class analysis. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2021. EPub ahead of print.
Shea L, Tao S, Marcus S, Mandell D, Epstein A. Medicaid disruption among transition-age youth on the autism spectrum. Medical Care Research and Review, 2021. EPub ahead of print.
Grosse S, Nichols P, Nyarko K, Maenner M, Danielson ML, Shea L. Heterogeneity in autism spectrum disorder case-finding algorithms in United States health administrative database analyses. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2021; 52(9):4150-4163.
Schott W, Tao S, Shea LL. COVID-19 risk: Adult Medicaid beneficiaries with autism, intellectual disability, and mental health conditions. Autism, 2021; 26(4):975-987.
Vivanti G, Tao S, Lyall K, Robins D, Shea L. The prevalence and incidence of early-onset dementia among Medicaid-enrolled adults with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, 2021; 14(10):2189-2199.
Shea LL, Cooper D, Wilson, AB. Preventing and improving interactions between autistic individuals and the criminal justice system: A roadmap for research. Autism Research, 2021; 14(10):2053-2060.
Shea LL, Koffer Miller K, Verstreate K, Tao S, Mandell D. States’ use of Medicaid to meet the needs of autistic individuals. Health Services Research, 2021; 56(6):1207-1214.
Benevides T, Carretta H, Rust G, Shea L. Racial and ethnic disparities in benefits eligibility and spending among adults on the autism spectrum: A cohort study using the Medicare Medicaid Linked Enrollee Data Source. PLOS ONE, 2021;16(5): e0251353.
Song W, Shea L, Nonnemacher S, Brusilovskiy E, Townley G, Salzer M. Community participation comparison between adults on the autism spectrum and adults in the general population. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2021: 52(4), 1610-1621. Correction 2021; 52(4):1610-1622.
Shea L, Verstreate K, Nonnemacher S, Salzer M. Self-reported community participation experiences and preferences of autistic adults. Autism, 2021: 25(5), 1295-1306.
Shea L, Nonnemacher S. Embedded research approaches to address the needs of the increasing, aging autistic population. Healthcare: The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation, 2021: 9(2), Article 100517.
Schott W, Tao S, Verstreate K, Shea L. Autism grows up: Medicaid’s role in serving adults on the autism spectrum. Psychiatric Services, 2021: 72(5), 597.
Shea, L, Field, RI, Xie, M, Marcus, S, Mandell, DS. Transition-age Medicaid coverage for adolescents with autism and adolescents with intellectual disability. American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 2019;124(2):174-185.
Shea, L, Xie, M, Turcotte, P, Marcus, S, Field, R, Newschaffer, C, Mandell, D. Brief Report: Service use and associated expenditures among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder transitioning to adulthood. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2018;48(9):3323-3327.
Shea, L, Newschaffer, CJ, Xie, M, Myers, SM, Mandell, DS. Genetic testing and genetic counseling among Medicaid-enrolled children with autism spectrum disorder in 2001 and 2007. Human Genetics, 2014;133(1):111-6.
Semansky, RM, Xie, M, Lawer, LJ, Mandell, DS. How states use Medicaid to fund community-based services to children with autism spectrum disorders. Psychiatric Services, 2013;64(10):1051-5.
Cidav, Z, Lawer, LJ, Marcus, SC, & Mandell, DS. Age-related variation in health service use and associated expenditures among children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2013;43(4):924-31.
Mandell, DS, Morales, KH, Xie, M. Lawer, LJ, Stahmer, AC, Marcus, SC. Age of diagnosis among Medicaid-enrolled children with autism, 2001-2004. Psychiatric Services, 2010;61(8):822-9.
Turcotte, P, Mandell, DS, Shea, L. School discipline, hospitalization, and police contact overlap among individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2018;48(3):883-891.
Burke, JP, Jain, A, Yang, W, Kelly, JP, Kaiser, M, Becker, L, Lawer, L, & Newschaffer, CJ (2014). Does a claims diagnosis of autism mean a true case? Autism, 2014;18(3):321-30.
Wang, L, Mandell, DS, Lawer, L, Cidav, Z, Leslie, DL. Healthcare service use and costs for autism spectrum disorder: a comparison between Medicaid and private insurance. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2013;43(5):1057-64.
Lawer, L, Brusilovkiy, E, Salzer, MS, Mandell, DS. Use of vocational rehabilitative services among adults with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2009;39(3): 487:04.
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