Christy Dure, MPA, MHA

Christy Dure headshot

Assistant Teaching Professor
Health Management and Policy


MPA, Fairleigh Dickinson University
MHA, Healthcare Informatics
BA, Africana Studies and Public Health, Rutgers State University


With over a decade of dedicated service in the healthcare field, Christy brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the forefront. Her journey through dentistry, healthcare administration, consulting, and academia has been marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence and a commitment to improving healthcare systems.

Christy's career commenced in dentistry, where she honed her skills through various clinical and administrative roles in private practice. She distinguished herself by successfully overseeing Electronic Medical Record (EMR) mergers, navigating complex health compliance regulatory affairs, and providing invaluable guidance on dental health services to military services.

Transitioning to the academic sphere, Christy served as a supervisor at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, where she orchestrated courses for practicing physicians, focusing on their Continuing Education (CE) requirements. Later, at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing, she worked as the college's compliance officer and liaison, adeptly handling reporting models for the New York State Board of Education.

Christy's journey led her to the role of Associate Director at NYU's Office of Graduate Nursing Programs, where she masterfully managed operational, academic, and budgetary facets of graduate nursing programs. Her responsibilities included overseeing licensure and credentialing for nurse practitioners, adjunct hiring, nursing simulation, and course programming.

Throughout her career, Christy has shared her field knowledge by teaching courses in public policy, public health, and healthcare administration. Her research interests encompass healthcare administration, health policy, and addressing racial and ethnic health disparities. She is also deeply committed to exploring the social, environmental, and political intersections of public health and policy sectors.

Christy previously served as a faculty member at NYU Robert Wagner School of Public Service, at the graduate and undergraduate level.

Christy’s professional journey is marked by a relentless commitment to improving healthcare, bridging disparities, and educating the next generation of healthcare and policy leaders.

Courses Taught

  • PBHL 510 Public Health Foundations and Systems I (Fall '23, Fall '24)
  • PBHL 511 Public Health Foundations and Systems II (Winter '24, Winter '25)
  • HMP 500 Health Management and Policy I (Fall '24)
  • HMP 510 The Evolution of US Health Policy (Winter '24, Winter '25)
  • HMP 512 The Business of Healthcare: Advanced Healthcare Financial Management (Fall '23)
  • HMP 516 Health Care Organizations and Management (Spring '24, Spring '25)
  • HMP 660 Public Policy and Advocacy (Spring '24, Spring '25)

Research Interests

  • Health Policy
  • Healthcare Administration
  • Medical Debt
  • Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities