Ayden Scheim, PhD (he/him)

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Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
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PhD, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Western University (The University of Western Ontario
BA, Sociology, University of Toronto


Dr. Ayden Scheim is a social epidemiologist who works with populations confronting stigma and oppression to understand and address the health impacts of inequitable social, policy, and healthcare environments. He conducts community-engaged research with LGBT communities and people who use drugs, as well as methodological research on measuring intersectional social positions and intersecting forms of discrimination. Currently, Dr. Scheim leads community-based participatory research surveys with transgender and nonbinary people in India and Canada, funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. He is also PI of three studies funded by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities that seek to improve the measurement of intersecting forms of interpersonal and structural stigma and discrimination. Dr. Scheim holds adjunct appointments in the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation at St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto, Canada) and in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Western University (London, Canada). He is also a Visiting Professor in the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies at UC San Francisco (2022-2025).

Dr. Scheim received a PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (2017) from Western University in Canada where he was a Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation and Vanier Canada Graduate Scholar, and completed postdoctoral training at the University of California, San Diego as a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Fellow.

His personal website is www.aydenscheim.com.

Research Interests

  • Global health or International health
  • Infectious Disease
  • Substance Use
  • Community Based Participatory Research
  • Social Epidemiology
  • Survey Research Methods
  • LGBT Health


Chakrapani V, Santos H, Battala M, Gupta S, Sharma S, Batavia A, Siddiqui SJ, Courts KA, Scheim AI. Access to transition-related health care among transmasculine people in India: A mixed-methods investigation. PLOS Global Public Health. Accepted October 14, 2024.

Rammohan I, Gaines T, Scheim AI, Bayoumi A, Werb D. Overdose mortality incidence and supervised consumption services in Toronto, Canada: an ecological study and spatial analysis. The Lancet Public Health 2024; 9:e79-e87.

Scheim AI, Santos H, Ciavarella S, Vermilion J, Arps FSE, Adams N, Nation K, Bauer GR. Intersecting inequalities in access to justice for trans and non-binary sex workers in Canada. Sexuality Research and Social Policy 2023; 20:1245–1257.

Tran NK, Baker KE, Lett E, Scheim AI. State-level heterogeneity in associations between structural stigma and individual healthcare access: A multilevel analysis of transgender adults in the United States. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 2023; 28(2): 109-118.

Coleman E, Radix AE, Bouman WP, et al. Standards of care for the health of transgender and gender diverse people, version 8. International Journal of Transgender Health. 2022;23(sup1):S1-259.

Bouck Z, Tricco AC, Rosella LC, Ling V, Gomes T, Tadrous M, Fox MP, Scheim AI, Werb D. Validation of self-reported opioid agonist treatment among people who inject drugs using prescription dispensation records. Epidemiology 2022; 33(2):287-294.

Maghsoudi N, Tanguay J, Scarfone K, Rammohan I, Ziegler C, Werb D, Scheim AI. Drug checking services for people who use drugs: a systematic review. Addiction 2022; 117(3):532-544.

Chakrapani V, Scheim AI, Newman PA, Shunmugam M, Rawat S, Baruah D, Bhatter A, Nelson R, Jaya A, Kaur M. Affirming and negotiating gender in family and social spaces: Stigma, mental health and resilience among transmasculine people in India. Culture, Health & Sexuality 2022; 24(7):951-967.

Scheim AI, Bauer GR, Bastos JL, Poteat T. Advancing intersectional discrimination measures for health disparities research: Protocol for a mixed-methods bilingual measurement study. JMIR Research Protocols. 2021;10(8):e30987.

Scheim AI, Sniderman R, Wang R, Bouck Z, McLean E, Mason K, Bardwell G, Mitra S, Greenwald ZR, Thavorn K, Garber G, Baral SD, Rourke SB, Werb D. The Ontario Integrated Supervised Injection Services cohort study of people who inject drugs in Toronto, Canada (OiSIS-Toronto): Cohort profile. Journal of Urban Health 2021; 98(4):538-550.

Scheim AI, Bouck Z, Tookey P, Hopkins S, Sniderman R, McLean E, Garber G, Baral S, Rourke SB, Werb D. Supervised consumption service use and recent non-fatal overdose among people who inject drugs in Toronto, Canada. International Journal of Drug Policy 2021; 87:102993.

Scheim AI, Kacholia V, Logie CH, Chakrapani V, Ranade K, Gupta S. Health of transgender men in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review. BMJ Global Health 2020; 5:e003471.

Gicquelais RE, Werb D, Marks C, Ziegler C, Mehta SH, Genberg BL, Scheim AI. Prevalence and correlates of providing and receiving assistance with the transition to injection drug use. Epidemiologic Reviews 2020;42(1):4-18

Scheim AI, Maghsoudi N, Marshall Z, Churchill C, Ziegler C, Werb D. Impact evaluations of drug decriminalisation and legal regulation on drug use, health and social harms: A systematic review. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e035148.

Scheim AI, Perez-Brumer AG, Bauer GR. Gender-concordant identity documents and mental health among transgender adults in the United States: A cross-sectional survey. The Lancet Public Health 2020; 5(4): E196-E203.

See Dr. Scheim's complete list of publications on PubMed