Ali Groves, PhD, MHS

Ali Groves

Associate Professor
Community Health and Prevention
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PhD, University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health
MHS, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
BA, Psychology, Grinnell College


I am a social and behavioral scientist who uses mixed-methods research methods to examine whether and how social policies and programs can reduce structural marginalization and promote reproductive justice. Locally, I examine whether and how access to social protection (via programs that provide individuals with a guaranteed basic income and/or reduces their risk of eviction) improves health outcomes, particularly during pregnancy and the postpartum period. In Southern Africa, I examine whether and how access to social protection (via programs that provide cash transfers or access to secondary education) prevents HIV acquisition, particularly for adolescent mothers. Across both contexts, my approach and methods are grounded in the belief that addressing inequities is best done in close collaboration with communities and individuals with lived experience.

Research Interests

  • Reproductive or Sexual Health
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Global Health
  • Data Analysis Methods
  • Health Disparities
  • Community Engaged Research


Select Publications:

  1. Groves A.K., Gebrekristos L.T. , Stoner M.C.D., Kahn K., Gomez-Oliver X., Pettifor A. Assessing the durable impacts of a conditional cash transfer on intimate partner violence and sexual relationships among adolescent girls and young women in South Africa. (under review)
  2. Smith P.D., Dilday S.D., Keene D.K., Blankenship K.M. Groves A.K. Forced Displacement from Rental Housing and Its Links to Health: A Scoping Review on Eviction. (under review)
  3. Gebrekristos L.T., Groves A.K., McNaughton Reyes L., Moodley D.., Beksinska M., Maman S. IPV victimization during pregnancy increases risk of postpartum depression among urban adolescent mothers in South Africa. Reproductive Health. 20, 68 (2023).
  4. Blankenship K.M., Rosenberg A., Schlesinger P., Groves A.K., Keene D.M. Structural Racism, the Social Determination of Health, and Health Inequities: The Intersecting Impacts of Housing and Mass Incarceration. Available online January 2023. American Journal of Public Health.
  5. Groves, A.K., Smith P.D., Gebrekristos L.T., Keene L.M., Rosenberg, A., Blankenship K.M. Eviction, intimate partner violence and HIV: Expanding concepts and assessing the pathways through which sexual partnership dynamics impact health Available online May 2022. Social Science and Medicine.
  6. Groves A.K., Gebrekristos L.T., Smith P.S. , Stoebenau K., Stoner M.C.D., Ameyan W., Ezeh A. Adolescent mothers in Eastern and Southern Africa: an overlooked and uniquely vulnerable subpopulation in the fight against HIV. Available online 13 February 2022. Journal of Adolescent Health.
  7. Groves A.K., Gebrekristos, L.T., McNaughton Reyes L., Moodley D., Raziano V., Maman S. A mixed-methods study of resilience and return to school among adolescent mothers in South Africa. 2022 Aug-Sep; 17(9):2111-2123 Global Public Health.