Student Dissertation Award Subsidy

The Department of Health Management and Policy (HMP) offers a limited number of dissertation awards annually to full-time or part-time doctoral students who are pursuing degrees in the department.

These funds are available to help support costs associated with dissertation activities not included in your mentor’s existing grants or budget. The funds could be used to support the purchase of software licenses (*not available through Drexel), provide research incentives to participants, transcribe qualitative interviews, etc.

Doctoral students should first speak with their advisor to determine whether the expenses can be covered by their grant or discretionary funds before requesting funding from the department. Awards will not be made to cover costs of items that the advisor can cover through their existing grants. If the faculty member cannot cover the costs in their entirety, please follow the policy guidelines below.

Subsidy Application Requirements

Awards will be considered on a case-by-case basis and are dependent on availability of department funds.

To apply, please submit the following application materials to the HMP department:

  • Name and degree program
  • Expected graduation date and year
  • Detailed budget of estimated costs (itemized)
  • Supporting letter/email from mentor/advisor (please ask that they address the question of availability of funding from existing grants or discretionary funds)


Applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis.

Within four weeks of submitting their application, students should expect to receive a notification on whether funds have been awarded.

Guidelines for Submitting a Request

Guidelines include the following:

  • Students must be currently registered in the program (not on leave of absence) and have completed comprehensive exams to be eligible.
  • Subsidy award amount will vary depending on the estimated costs and department funding availability, but not exceed $500 max annually.
  • Maximum of two awards during a student's degree program are allowed.
  • In cases in which the number of requests exceeds available funding, the HMP department will consider the number of awards a student has received in previous years, length of time until graduation, and progress in the program.

Administration of Award

The student will be notified of the award decision. Standard Drexel University policies and procedures are applicable to the expenditure of the award. Purchases using award funds will be handled by the Department of HMP. *Drexel provides a variety of software solutions for students, faculty and staff.

Please contact Sarah Flynn if you have any questions about what software is available or other questions about the award.