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Remotely Working as a Software Engineer

Computers on home desk

If you have searched for a job before, you have doubtlessly considered various factors when deciding for which roles to apply. Salary, benefits and hour requirements all play a role. Another vital variable is commute time, and recently, companies have started allowing for remote work to address lengthy travel requirements. For years now, employers across the country have been increasingly embracing work-from-home scenarios for specific roles. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote positions have become more common. One job most conducive to at-home employment is software engineering.

The Re-Emergence of Remote Work

Although remote work seems like a new concept, working from home was common before the industrial revolution. Trades people like blacksmiths, tailors and potters operated from their residences more often than not. When machinery and automation became integrated into manufacturing, onsite employees were required to ensure operations ran smoothly. The economic boom following the second World War spawned the eight-hour work day.

As technological advancements in computers and networks arrived, more and more people began to own personal computers and had access to the internet, paving the way for remote work. According to Upwork’s Future Workforce Pulse Report, a survey gauging hiring manager sentiments, 36.2 million Americans will work remotely by 2025, an 87% jump from pre-pandemic levels.

Can Software Engineers Work Remotely?

Of all jobs, software engineering is one of the most conducive careers for working at home. Software engineering work from home can be accomplished with the right skill sets and equipment. There are a few aspects of remote work software engineers need to keep in mind:

  • Control Your Workflow – This point is vital to maintaining a productive at-home work scenario. Controlling your workflow entails carefully planning the incremental steps needed to accomplish your role requirements. Project management platforms like, Asana, Trello and others help ensure all of your tasks are completed thoroughly and on time.
  • Communicate More – The unfortunate drawback to remote work is the inability to quickly communicate with coworkers in person. To accommodate this lack of face-to-face interaction, make sure to frequently check in through email or Zoom with your supervisor and team members.
  • Separate Working Hours From Leisure Time – Distinguish your work hours from your free time. This point is vital to maintaining a productive schedule and ensuring your tasks are completed.
  • Limit Phone Time – Let’s face it, everyone uses social media. These platforms can be ideal channels for connecting with friends and family, however, they can also act as distractions. Limit your phone time and turn off notifications to block out the noise.
  • Get up and Stretch – When you work in an office or at home, chances are you are sitting for most of the day. With 3.2 million deaths per year due to physical inactivity, sitting for eight to 12 hours a day can cause serious bodily harm. Set an alarm to remind you to stand and stretch every 30 minutes or get up and go for a short walk.
  • Stick to Your Schedule – Consistency is key when it comes to working remotely, and sticking to a distinct schedule is an excellent way to remain consistent. If your work schedule begins at 10 in the morning, and you take your lunch break at 1 pm, commit to following this routine every workday. You will notice you’re more productive and less stressed adhering to a regular timetable.


Why Are Companies Hiring Remote Software Engineers?


On the surface, remote work may appear to yield less productivity. However, companies everywhere are leveraging remote work to improve their operations and become more efficient.

For one, enterprises are empowered to attract talent from across the country, instead of in their immediate region. Although software engineering is no longer restricted to Silicon Valley, not every area in the US is home to a computer programming career hub. Remote scenarios allow employers to broaden staff recruitment beyond their immediate surroundings.

Employers also save money on office costs while employees save money on transit. If fewer staff members require in-office utilities like electricity, heat and plumbing, companies can downsize to smaller locations and cut overhead costs dramatically. Likewise, team members save more of their salaries as they are not required to use fossil fuels to travel to work and are more likely to eat at home.

Overall, at-home work scenarios save both brands and employees time and money and facilitate healthier work-life balances.

How do You Become a Remote Software Engineer?

Becoming a remote software engineer entails several vital steps:

  • Learn Required Skills – Software engineering requires a number of important skills. These include soft skills, such as team work and communication, and hard skills like programming and object-oriented design.
  • Search for Remote Software Engineering Jobs – Once you know you have the skills to perform the software engineering role requirements, you need to apply for remote jobs. Start by searching job boards like We Work Remotely and RemoteOK to begin.
  • Slay Your Interview – If you have the credentials for a remote software engineering job, you will undoubtedly receive a positive reply from at least 1 employer. Once an interview is scheduled, review your work history so you can discuss your experience concisely and clearly. Also, research the hiring company so that you have a few questions prepared for your interviewer.
  • Get Comfortable with Remote Work – It takes time to become comfortable with remote work. Make sure to purchase any necessary at-home equipment, such as a new computer with ample RAM, an ergonomic chair and desk, and a comfortable mousepad before starting your role. Establish your desired working schedule and design a personalized workflow.


What Are Some In-Demand Remote Software Engineering Positions?

Software engineering is a diverse industry. Some remote software engineering roles include:

  • Application Developer – These software engineers are responsible for developing and programming mobile-friendly programs.
  • Video Game Designer – This position entails programming and designing interactive and engaging games.
  • Quality Assurance Engineer – These professionals review and test programs to ensure quality.
  • Software Integration Engineer – These programmers focus on using coding languages to develop consumer devices, home security systems, electronics, interfaces and data transmissions.
  • Data Scientist – Data engineers develop and integrate programs that analyze information.


Remote Work is Here to Stay

Whether you’d like to create mobile applications or test programs, remote software engineering is a lucrative career path for those who seek workflow flexibility and reliability. Make sure to learn the necessary skills to excel as a computer programmer, seek remote roles through helpful job boards and understand the requirements of different software engineering positions.

Software Engineering Careers

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