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"When I think about it..."

"When I really think about it, my interest for the computing field never really took off until my senior year in high school. I was so set on going into nursing and was ready to move forward with my acceptance letters for a couple different universities with good nursing programs until I was introduced to a 2-year engineering program hosted by UPENN starting my junior year of high school. First half dealt with electrical, mechanical, and bio engineering. The second half dealt with computer, software, and chemical engineering. I never realized how deep and creative I could get with some hardware and a small chunk of
code. Before I knew it, I was making little Arduino robots do basic tasks using C++ and found myself immersed in the programming world. Fast forward to now I'm surrounded by all these extremely smart and talented students who all belong to CCI. The atmosphere is competitive but it makes me push and strive to be a
better me."

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