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"On one of my previous jobs..."

"On one of my previous jobs, I was in charge of updating the company’s website. That really
sparked my interest in technology, trying to figure out what that looks like, and being able to
manage web design for an organization. Two years ago, I was able to go to the HUE Tech
Summit- it is a conference for women of color in technology and I think it was through that, I
was able to network and meet some women and see the what opportunities there are for
people who are technical but are more into the design aspect of things, all of those different
options. That was pivotal in getting me into the network and getting to meet different people.
How I am adapting to the change? By kind of just putting myself out there and being really
open to having one on one with students… wanting to meet more people, more student
groups. I am really open to doing more. Just that opportunity to build a community, to know
what students are working on, what they are interested in- both inside and outside the
classroom. That will be a good way for me to adapt."

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