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Meet Drexel CCI’s 2024 Commencement Speaker: Det Ansinn

Det Ansinn, BS Electrical Engineering '95, will address CCI’s Class of 2024 at its June 13 ceremony at The Mann Center in Philadelphia.

Det AnsinnDet Ansinn is a serial entrepreneur and president and founder of BrickSimple, LLC, a software development studio specializing in cutting-edge mobile/Virtual Reality (VR)/Augmented Reality (AR) applications, which he founded in 2002. Since July 2020, Det has served as chief technology officer and interim chief executive officer of Neuralert, which offers a breakthrough technology to help detect stroke symptoms in hospitalized patients. He has also served as founding board member and president of Startup Bucks, an organization committed to supporting startups in Bucks County, PA, since June 2020.

He previously served as the first chief technology officer for gym equipment manufacturer Rogue Fitness; as the co-founder and COO of MiMetrix, that developed an industrial IoT SaaS platform as chief technology officer at Vifant, which created a digital platform that identifies vision acuity impairment in preverbal children; as co-founder and chief technology officer at digital job platform provider WorkSage; and as chief technology officer and a board member at Adherent Health, a technology platform for biosensors and wearable/mobile technologies.

Det made some of the first apps on the iOS and Android platforms, plus innovative apps for wearable devices like Google Glass. Det has expertise in VR, AR, and Mixed Reality (MR) experiences with deep learning, artificial intelligence, and custom hardware components. With a reputation as an innovator, Det has worked with many emerging hardware/software technologies and was selected by Microsoft as a HoloLens Wave 1 Developer. Det has applied this experience to healthcare including patient worn wearable devices, smart glasses, and virtual training experiences. As a software developer that has been coding for forty plus years, Det has a proven track record of building businesses that put cutting-edge technology to work at scale.

Det has provided technology business analysis and commentary for Bloomberg Television, BusinessWeek, MIT Technology Review, Talking Points Memo, and MTV. His company’s work has also been featured on Engadget, Joystiq, TechCrunch, VentureBeat, ArsTechnica,, GigaOM, MTV, NBC News, Reuters, and BBC. Det is also featured in the award-winning documentary "DATUNA: Portrait of America" for his work with the artist David Datuna and Google Glass.

In his role at Startup Bucks, Det works with startups and young entrepreneurs, and actively advocates for small business and innovation policy. Det served on the Business Forward Local Leadership Council and as a member of the White House Business Council during the Obama Administration. Det approaches business and job creation from a progressive technology perspective. 

In addition to his entrepreneurship, Det served as the Council President of the Borough of Doylestown for a decade. Det’s public service also included appointment to the Bucks County Open Space Review Board and serving as past president of the Bucks County Free Library System. Det also served as a board member of the Pennsylvania Municipal League. 

Det is a product of Drexel University's Electrical Engineering program and currently serves as the chair of the CCI Dean’s Executive Advisory Council. Det has an Honorable Discharge from the US Air Force Reserve.

CCI recently sat down with Det to learn more about his path to entrepreneurship, and get his thoughts on the tech job industry and advice for CCI’s Class of 2024:

CCI: Over the past year, the US has seen a lot of shakeups within Big Tech; conversely, it’s clear that the integration of tech in both industry and society — especially AI — isn’t slowing down. What are you seeing from your standpoint in terms of changes to the tech job market, especially in the Philadelphia region?

Det Ansinn: When I graduated in 1995, our graduating class witnessed the launch of the first commercial Web browser, the Netscape Navigator. At the time, we did not realize the sweeping impact that the Web browser would have on our daily lives. 

With AI, ChatGPT is that “Netscape Navigator” moment for the class of 2024. This is just the start of a step change in how we all approach technology.

AI is already having an impact on the tech job market in both displacing some types of work and creating new opportunities. I think that CCI graduates are well-positioned to embrace the change and challenges of this new way forward. Everyone must adapt to this bold future, but our graduates are ready.

CCI: Who inspires you?

DA: I find my inspiration in helping others thrive and succeed. There is much to be said to finding that inspiration locally. When we build and uplift our own communities, we all can find success together. 

CCI: Looking back at your career trajectory, how did your time at Drexel help you to get where you are now?

DA: When you pursue a career in information technology, it can take you to such unexpected places. My time at Drexel University gave me the tools to go to those places. A solid academic experience is the foundation upon which you build a career. The Drexel co-op program exposed me to opportunities that defined the trajectory of my career and professional development.

CCI: What can current students, especially rising seniors, do now to best prepare themselves for long-term career success?

DA: I think that it is critically important to understand that a career path will not be a straight line. It is important to be patient with yourself. There will be adversity and setbacks. It is not unusual to be frustrated at the pace of your own professional skills development — those skills can take significantly longer to develop than your technical skills. If you can work hard and be patient with what comes slowly, you will do well in your career long-term.

CCI: Do you have any advice for our 2024 graduates as they enter the job market? 

DA: There are so many ways for our CCI graduates to put their skills to work. In the Philadelphia area and beyond, you can find those opportunities in unexpected places. Do not be afraid to take a position at a smaller company — you will likely be given greater responsibilities than working at a large organization. It is also worth exploring roles in manufacturing and other small tech companies as there is a lot of unmet need for tech talent in those areas.

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