
    • Takes Top Prize at Second Annual Philly Codefest

      February 26, 2014

      Over 165 software developers and designers, professionals, educators, students and entrepreneurs attended the event, which took place in Drexel University's URBN Center on February 21-23.

      Codefest winner

    • Drexel University Launches Cybersecurity Institute

      February 24, 2014

      Pulling from its many resources in online data management and protection, Drexel University is opening a cybersecurity institute to address national cyber-based threats and prepare the next generation of cybersecurity leaders.

    • Jeff Salvage Wedding Photos

      February 11, 2014

      Drexel professor Jeff Salvage's photos of his wife in her wedding dress around the world has landed the couple on TV screens and homepages. But that's not the best part of their nearly six-year journey.

    • Drexel Ventures Selects Inaugural Proof-of-Concept Projects

      January 09, 2014

      In its first round of proof-of-concept funding, Drexel Ventures — the University’s new technology accelerator and transfer enterprise — is supporting research that could lead to improved solar cells, new drug therapy for treatment of Parkinson’s Disease, safer chemicals for oil extraction and smarter software system monitoring.

    • Opening AJ Drexel Institute for Energy and the Environment

      December 16, 2013

      Drexel University is opening a new research institute that will strive to answer some of the most challenging questions about energy and environmental sustainability facing the nation today.

    • Jimmy Wales CSEd Week

      November 11, 2013

      Jimmy Wales, co-founder of Wikipedia, will appear at Drexel on Nov. 18 to deliver the keynote lecture for the University's sixth annual celebration of National Computer Science Education Week.

    • CCI-OnlineCertCybersecurityLaw

      October 21, 2013

      Drexel University’s College of Computing & Informatics will offer a new, online certificate in cybersecurity, law and policy this fall as part of its professional development curriculum. The certificate will cover both the technical fundamentals of cybersecurity, as well as examining policy, cyber law and current issues, in a comprehensive three-course program offered through Drexel University Online.

    • Mobile Tech and Talk Therapies Strike at the Moment Binge Eating Urges Do

      September 27, 2013

      Two new treatment methods under investigation at Drexel University aim to help people reduce binge-eating behavior. One is a smartphone app designed to alert peopleat times when they are at risk for binge behaviors, among a comprehensive suite of other features. Another treatment is a new, evidence-based approach to small-group behavioral therapy.

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