Helena Mentis, PhD

Helena Mentis

Professor & Department Head, Information Science Pronouns: she/her
Information Science

Helena Mentis

Professor & Department Head, Information Science Pronouns: she/her
Information Science


Dr. Mentis investigates situated communication and collaboration practices in healthcare, and, in turn, develops and deploys new mechanisms for collaboratively sensing, presenting and interacting with information. She conducts her research through a sociotechnical lens – one in which we cannot extricate technical systems from ‘being in the world’. Her process is to engage those not often prioritized in the digital health design process to counter hegemonic discourse and oftentimes making the invisible work visible.

Research Areas

  • Human-Centered Computing

Research Interests

Human-computer interaction (HCI), computer supported cooperative work (CSCW), health informatics, AR/VR

Academic Distinctions

  • Phd, Information Sciences and Technology, Pennsylvania State University
  • MS, Communication, Cornell University
  • BS, Psychology, Virginia Tech

Read More About Dr. Mentis' Appointment