Dr. Katsinis' research interests include: Computer Security, Computer Architecture, Parallel Processing Systems, Fault Tolerant Systems, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. Dr. Katsinis received his BS from the Polytechnic University of Athens, Greece, and his MS and PhD from the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, all in Electrical Engineering. He has held positions at the University of Denver and the University of Alabama in Huntsville and joined Drexel in 1998. He held the position of Associate Professor of Computer Security at the College of Computing and Informatics until retirement. Dr. Katsinis has specialized in computer and network security, parallel computer architectures, fault tolerant systems, image processing and performance analysis. He has been the PI or Co-PI of several research projects supported by NSF, US ARMY MICOM, DARPA, ONR, NASA, IBM, Motorola, and other companies totaling more than $3,000,000. He has supervised 12 MS Students and 5 Ph.D. students. Recently, Dr. Katsinis has been the Co-PI of a one-year contract awarded by the US Army. The purpose of this effort was research and development of computer network capabilities for various mobile devices (such as cell phones) with focus on mobile computing, computer security, information assurance and evaluation of distributed intelligent systems. Currently, Dr. Katsinis is a Co-PI (with faculty from the College of Engineering and the College of Computing & Informatics) of a three-year grant awarded by the National Science Foundation.
Research Interests
Computer Security, network security, parallel computer architectures, mobile computing, information assurance, fault tolerant systems, image processing and pattern recognition
Academic Distinctions
- PhDEE, University of Rhode Island
- MSEE, University of Rhode Island
- BSEE, Polytechnic University of Athens, Greece