Tiffany D. Do, PhD

Tiffany D. Do

Assistant Professor Pronouns: she/her
Computer Science

Tiffany D. Do

Assistant Professor Pronouns: she/her
Computer Science


Tiffany is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science, specializing in Human-Centered AI, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and virtual avatars. Her research focuses on the potential of AI to personalize experiences for individuals, placing a premium on their unique identities and perspectives. She aims to create AI systems and virtual avatars that enable people to explore diverse identities and experiences, drawing on her expertise in immersive technologies, applied language models and user design.

Previously, Tiffany conducted research at Microsoft Research and Google, where she focused on user experience (UX) and interactions with language applications, particularly large language models (LLMs). Her work examines how identity intersects with and impacts user perceptions and interactions with these technologies.

Research Areas

  • AI, Machine Learning, and Robotics
  • Human-Centered Computing

Research Interests

Human-Centered AI, Virtual Avatars, Virtual Reality

Academic Distinctions

  • PhD, Computer Science, University of Central Florida
  • MS, Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas
  • BS, Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas
  • CV