University Branding

Review Drexel's Brand Identity Guidelines

Visit the Drexel University Identity Brand Website for additional resources including typographic standards, templates, and more.

The University's brand and identity are essential elements to how we externally communicate to various audiences. 

Drexel's brand and visual identity have been built up over time. With all great brands, we have achieved this by creating standards for usage that are reflected and represented throughout our materials. Our brand sets us apart from competitors and creates a viewpoint of Drexel in the consumer mindset. Brand equity takes a while to achieve and build, and can easily be tarnished, so it's important to maintain a set of rules for our faculty, professional staff, and administration to follow to protect and nurture what we've worked so hard to create.

Protecting the Drexel brand identity is essential to preserving the trust and credibility we have built with our audience and stakeholders. Visit the University Brand page to learn more about the resources that are available to Drexel community members in order to aid in ensuring that we maintain a consistent identity across the entire University. 

The University Brand Page

Please refer to our Experience Drexel brand guide for campaign-specific messaging guidelines, brand identity standards, imagery best practices, downloadable campaign materials, and so much more. 

The Experience Drexel Brand Guide