Women in Natural Sciences: A Longitudinal Comparative Case Study of Black Women in STEMM (1995-2015)

Justice-oriented Youth Education Lab

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Women in Natural Sciences JoY LabIn partnership with the Academy of Natural Sciences, this comparative longitudinal study examines the life outcomes and narratives among 20 years of participants and non-participants in Women in Natural Sciences (WINS) cohorts (1995-2015). Life outcomes and narratives from 9th grade into adulthood from intervention and control groups are studied via mixed quantitative and qualitative methods and analyses grounded by a Critical Race Theoretical framing. We compare outcomes and trajectories between the control and study groups and draw associations between alumnae’s long-term outcomes and how they correlate their WINS experiences with other socio-cultural factors in their lives. We aim to re-position extant literature by focusing on evidence from Black women’s voices and lived experiences in STEMM.

Partner(s): Academy of Natural Sciences

Funder: National Science Foundation


Sterin, K., Allen-Handy, A., Genovesi, J. Manonsong, A. M. (2022, April). Life-long outcomes for minoritized women participants in a forty-year-old OST STEM program: A narrative analysis. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.