Academic Standing: Undergraduate Students

EFFECTIVE DATE: September 1, 2008
REVISION DATE: June 10, 2024

I. Purpose and Application

The undergraduate student Academic Standing policy defines the minimum requirements for continued enrollment at Drexel University to support successful student progress, minimize time-to-degree and assist the evaluation of satisfactory academic progress toward the granting of an undergraduate degree.

II. Scope

This policy applies to undergraduate students at the university.

III. Implementation

Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the Office of the Provost. For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact the Office of the Provost at

IV. Statement of Policy and Procedure

A. Statement of Policy

1) Academic Standing is determined each term that a student is registered. Academic Standing is based on term grade point average (GPA) and cumulative GPA. The categories of Academic Standing are as follows: Good Academic Standing; Probation; Continued on Probation; Dismissed and Reinstated; Academic Dismissal; and Permanent Dismissal. These categories are reflected in the academic transcript. This policy sets minimum University standards for Academic Standing; some Colleges/Schools may set more stringent standards for these academic standing categories by program and will be appropriately communicated to students.

a. Specifically, the division of Nursing within the College of Nursing and Health Professions has different standards for Academic Standing. Students are encouraged to consult with their academic advisor as well as review the nursing student handbook regarding specific standards.

B. Statement of Academic Standing Definitions and Associated Procedures

1) The colleges and schools must document any associated unit-level procedures for academic standing. All such procedures must be made accessible to students, staff, and faculty upon request.

2) Good Academic Standing

a. Good Academic Standing is assigned by earning a term GPA and cumulative GPA that meets the minimum standard of 2.00.

3) Probation

a. An undergraduate student is placed on Probation if either the term or cumulative GPA falls below the established minimum 2.00 grade point average standard. Students who are placed on Probation are required to meet with their academic advisor and complete an Academic Success Plan by end-of-day Friday of the first week of the subsequent term.

b. Notification of Probation

i. Students are formally notified of Probation status by email from the Office of the University Registrar with information to complete an Academic Success Plan in DrexelOne and make an appointment with their academic advisor to review their Plan.

4) Continued on Probation

a. An undergraduate student on Probation who does not meet minimum term or cumulative GPA requirements but is making academic progress in keeping with the standards of the College/School may be put into the category of Continued on Probation. After the initial term that the student was placed on Probation, the student may remain on Continued on Probation status for up to three terms providing continued academic progress is being made in accordance with their Academic Success Plan.

b. Notification of Continued on Probation

i. Students are formally notified of Continued on Probation status by email from the Office of the University Registrar with information to complete an Academic Success Plan in DrexelOne and make an appointment with their academic advisor to review their Plan.

5) Academic Dismissal

a. An undergraduate student who has four consecutive terms for Probation or fails to meet the requirement of the terms of their academic probation will be Academically Dismissed from the University; or

b. A student who earns a term or cumulative GPA less than 1.00 in any term will be Academically Dismissed from the University.

c. Notification of Academic Dismissal

i. Students are formally notified of Academic Dismissal by email from the Office of the University Registrar.

d. Appeal of Academic Dismissal

i. Students have the right to appeal the Academic Dismissal in accordance with the procedures outlined below:

a. A student has until Monday of the first week of the next academic term in which they are scheduled to be enrolled (class or co-op) to appeal the Academic Dismissal.

b. The student will follow the procedures for academic appeals of their respective College/School.

c. A student’s initial appeal to the college committee must be received by the end of Monday of week 1 of the next expected term of course enrollment and should include:

i. Personal statement regarding factors contributing to poor academic performance

ii. Explanation as to why the dismissal decision should be reversed

iii. Documentation of extenuating circumstances

d. Once the appeal is submitted to the respective College/School, the College/School or program appeal committee has sole discretion to determine if an interview with the student is warranted.

e. After an Academic Dismissal has been appealed to the appeal committee of the College/School and the dismissal has been upheld, the student may submit an appeal to the Dean (or equivalent) of the College/School.

f. The appeal to the Dean must include:

i. A copy of the original appeal to the committee

ii. A copy of the response upholding the original decision

iii. Any new information supporting the appeal

g. The decision of the Dean (or equivalent) of the College/School is considered final, and there are no further avenues for appeal for the original major of which the student was dismissed.

h. If the appeal of the Academic Dismissal is approved, the student will then be classified as Dismissed and Reinstated (see below).

e. If a student does not appeal their Academic Dismissal by Monday of the first week of the next academic term in which they are scheduled to be enrolled (class or co-op), at that point, the dismissal will be considered final for that respective term and the student would then need to appeal to the College/School (or another College/School, see Change of Major below) for reinstatement in a future term.

f. Change of Major

i. In some instances, a student may be reinstated into a different major as long as the student has not been Permanently Dismissed from the University. Such a Reinstatement must be accompanied by an official change of major program.

a. If the student is not granted a Reinstatement into new major after Academic Dismissal, the student may not necessarily be Permanently Dismissed. They are Academically Dismissed, which means the original Dismissal is upheld, but there may be a path of return to Drexel. Students may be able to reinstate after the first and second dismissals if there is a plan to show academic progress outside of Drexel University (ex. the student has successful progress at a community college).

6) Dismissed and Reinstated

a. If the Appeal of Academic Dismissal is approved by the Dean (or equivalent position) of the College/School, the student will then be classified as Dismissed and Reinstated. Upon reinstatement, the student must then achieve term and cumulative GPAs set by the College/School within a maximum of two consecutive terms immediately following their reinstatement based on an approved Academic Success Plan developed between the academic advisor and the student.

b. The academic decision to Dismiss and Reinstate a student resides with the Office of the Dean (or equivalent) of the respective College/School. A student may be dismissed and reinstated to the University a maximum of two times.

7) Permanent Dismissal

a. An undergraduate student would be in Permanent Dismissal status after being dismissed for a third time from their current program of study, and all other college/schools have denied an appeal for reinstatement and curriculum change into a new program of study.

V. Keywords and Definitions

Academic Dismissal means an undergraduate student who has four consecutive terms for Probation or fails to meet the requirement of the terms of their academic probation will be Academically Dismissed from the University. A student who earns a term or cumulative GPA less than 1.00 in any term is subject to Academic Dismissal.

Continued on Probation means an undergraduate student on Probation who does not meet minimum term or cumulative GPA requirements but is making academic progress in keeping with the standards of the College/School may be put into the category of Continued on Probation. After the initial term that the student was placed on Probation, the student may remain on Continued on Probation status for up to three terms providing continued academic progress is being made in accordance with their academic plan.

Good Academic Standing means a student earned a term GPA and cumulative GPA that meets the minimum standard of 2.00.

Dismissed and Reinstated means if the Appeal of Academic Dismissal is approved by the Dean (or equivalent position) of the College/School, the student will then be classified as Dismissed and Reinstated. Upon reinstatement, the student must then achieve term and cumulative GPAs set by the College/School within a maximum of two consecutive terms immediately following their reinstatement based on an approved Academic Success Plan developed between the academic advisor and the student. The academic decision to Dismiss and Reinstate a student resides with the Office of the Dean (or equivalent) of the respective College/School. A student may be dismissed and reinstated to the University a maximum of two times. Subsequent Academic Dismissal will result in Permanent Dismissal from the University without the right to appeal.

Permanent Dismissal means an undergraduate student would be in Permanent Dismissal status after being dismissed for a third time from their current program of study, and all other college/schools have denied an appeal for reinstatement and curriculum change into a new program of study.

Probation means an undergraduate student is placed on Probation if either the term or cumulative GPA falls below the established minimum 2.00 grade point average standard. Students who are placed on Probation are required to meet with their academic advisor and complete an Academic Success Plan by end-of-day Friday of the first week of the subsequent term. Students are formally notified of Probation by email from the Office of the University Registrar.

VI. Related Policies, Forms and Resources

A. Related Policies

Course Withdrawal
Grade Appeals
Grades Policy
Repeated Courses and GPA Adjustments: Undergraduate Students (Course Repeat Policy)
Statue of Limitations for Grade or Transcript Changes Policy (Grade Changes Policy)

B. Forms and Resources

1) Appendix A: BNS Nursing Handbook in Drexel Learn

VII. Policy History

Revision Date: September 16, 2016
Revision Date: September 1, 2021
Revision Date: June 10, 2024