Repeated Courses and GPA Adjustments: Undergraduate Students
EFFECTIVE DATE: September 1, 2008
REVISION DATE: April 15, 2024
SUPERSEDES: Course Repeat: Undergraduate Students
I. Purpose and Application
This policy specifies how students may repeat courses and the process by which an undergraduate student's Grade Point Average (GPA) is adjusted based on repeated courses.
II. Scope
This policy applies to undergraduate students at Drexel University.
III. Implementation
Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the Office of the Provost and the Office of University Registrar. For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact the Office of the Provost,
IV. Statement of Policy and Procedure
Undergraduate students may repeat courses at Drexel University consistent with this policy. The University computes a single, unified GPA for all courses taken at the University that appear on an official transcript. This policy sets the University requirements for Undergraduate repeated coursework. It is important to note that the division of Nursing within the College of Nursing and Health Professions has different requirements for repeated coursework. Because these requirements may vary by program, all students are encouraged to consult with their academic advisor as well as review the nursing student handbook regarding specific requirements.
An undergraduate student can repeat a course provided that each attempt of that course resulted in an earned grade of C- or lower. When a student repeats a course, while all attempts will remain on the student transcript, only the earned highest grade will be factored into the term and cumulative grade point averages.
Undergraduate students who wish to repeat courses using the GPA adjustment option may do so under the following conditions:
- This policy applies only to courses taken at Drexel University
- This policy does not apply to courses which are designed to be taken multiple times, such as an independent study, research, or special topics.
- The earliest attempt resulted in a grade of "C-" or lower. The latest attempt(s) must be taken effective fall quarter of 2024-2025 forward and meet the terms and conditions of the policy.
- A student may not seek a repeat with GPA adjustment for a course taken after degree conferral.
- The original occurrence of the course may not have a grade of INC, W, or CR/NCR. A course with an incomplete grade (INC) must be completed before any future repeat attempts can be made.
- In order to apply the GPA Adjustment Option, a student's grade in the original course may not be a result of academic misconduct as documented through the Office of Student Conduct.
CR/NCR means Credit/No Credit for a course.GPA means Grade Point Average - an indication of a student's academic achievement at a college or university, calculated as the total number of grade points received over a given period divided by the total number of credits awarded.
INC means Incomplete Grade for a course.
W means Withdraw from a course.
A. Related PoliciesAcademic Standing – Undergraduate Students
Course Withdrawal
Credit/ No credit policy
Grade Appeals
Grades Policy – Undergraduate Students
Statute of Limitations for Grade or Transcript Changes Policy (formerly the Grade Changes Policy)
B. Forms and Resources
Appendix A: BNS Nursing Handbook in Drexel Learn
Revision Date: September 1, 2021
Revision Date: April 15, 2024