News & Events

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Latest News

A cut-out painting of Anthony J. Drexel in front of a map labeled "The Founder's West Philly." Drexel in Philly: The Founder’s West Philadelphia
An early resident of the new neighborhood, Anthony J. Drexel built a “Drexel Colony” for his family, developed housing for neighbors and supported local institutions — including the one he founded.
The view from the entrance of the A. J. Picture Gallery showing a tiled mural on a wall in a room full of chairs and art on other walls. A.J. Drexel Picture Gallery Reframes its Student Experience
Drexel students redesigned the historic, multi-use space to better reflect the University’s modern community and founding ideals of art, science and industry.
Over 75 attendees convened at Drexel’s Behrakis Grand Hall for The Environmental Collaboratory’s workshop last month. Photo by Lakin Casey. Drexel Hosts Regional Workshop for Climate-Related Weather Preparedness
The Environmental Collaboratory brought together the region’s best experts to work on improving emergency response and resilience-building efforts.

Recent Announcements

Academic Transformation Update
Working Groups complete Sprint #1; completed reports can be found on the Academic Transformation SharePoint. A review process has been established for working group deliverables to engage and receive input from a range of stakeholders. Guidance has been added for talking to prospective students about Academic Transformation. Faculty Senate approves integration of Close School of Entrepreneurship within LeBow College of Business.
Leadership Update - Greater Philadelphia Region Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
I’m pleased to share that effective Feb. 1, 2025, Aroutis Foster, PhD, Interim Dean and Professor of Learning Technologies in the School of Education, was appointed to the additional role of Project Director for the Greater Philadelphia Region Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (Philadelphia AMP). This position was previously held by Steve Cox, who retired Jan. 31, 2025, but has graciously agreed to serve in a part-time, temporary capacity to ensure the program’s seamless leadership transition.
SharePoint Launch, Working Groups Kickoff and Proposed Unit Integration
Academic Transformation working groups have launched and will tackle key areas of the project in four-week sprints. They will dedicate the next six months to designing the foundational elements of the transformation and a blueprint for implementation, working across groups to ensure alignment and cohesion. These are monumental tasks, and I am grateful to all for their time and dedication.

Upcoming Academic Events