Academic Council

Paul E. Jensen, PhD
Executive Vice President and Nina Henderson Provost
Provost Paul Jensen, PhD, was named Executive Vice President and Nina Henderson Provost in 2019. As Drexel University's highest-ranking academic officer, he oversees Drexel's academic programs, research enterprise, global engagement, assessment, faculty advancement and more.
Lloyd Ackert
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
College of Arts and Sciences

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

School Of Biomedical Engineering, Science And Health Systems
Darryl Brown
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
Dornsife School of Public Health

College of Arts and Sciences

College Of Medicine

Finance and Administration
Rena Cumby
Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design
Clare Coleman
JD, Recording Secretary, Faculty Senate
JD, Recording Secretary, Faculty Senate
Thomas R. Kline School of Law
Jim Connell
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
School of Education
Institutional Research, Assessment and Accreditation

Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship

Rose Ann DiMaria-Ghalili
PhD, RN, FASPEN, FAAN, FGSA, Interim Associate Vice Provost for Research & Innovation
PhD, RN, FASPEN, FAAN, FGSA, Interim Associate Vice Provost for Research & Innovation
Research & Innovation

Thomas R. Kline School of Law
Adam Fontecchio
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
College of Engineering
Finance and Administration
Institutional Research, Assessment and Accreditation
Monica Ilies
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
College of Arts and Sciences
Dana Kemery
EdD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
EdD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
College of Nursing and Health Professions
Christian Jordal
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
College of Nursing and Health Professions

University and Community Partnerships

Lebow College of Business
Geoffrey Mainland
Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
College of Computing & Informatics
Donald McEachron
PhD, Vice Chair, Faculty Senate
PhD, Vice Chair, Faculty Senate
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Drexel Global
Bre Myers
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
Salus at Drexel University
Diana Nicholas
Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
Westphal College of Media Arts & Design
Kevin Owens
PhD, Chair, Faculty Senate
PhD, Chair, Faculty Senate
College of Arts and Sciences
Ramesh Raghupathi
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
College of Medicine

Rosalind Remer
PhD, Senior Vice Provost for Libraries, Collections & Archives; Founding Director, Lenfest Center for Cultural Partnerships
PhD, Senior Vice Provost for Libraries, Collections & Archives; Founding Director, Lenfest Center for Cultural Partnerships
Libraries, Collections & Archives; Lenfest Center for Cultural Partnerships
Stanley Ridgley
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
PhD, Steering Committee Member, Faculty Senate
LeBow College of Business

Research & Innovation

Westphal College Of Media Arts & Design

The Environmental Collaboratory
Academic Industry Partnerships

Elisabeth J. Van Bockstaele
PhD, Senior Vice Provost for Graduate Studies; Dean, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies, College of Medicine; Chief Strategy Officer
PhD, Senior Vice Provost for Graduate Studies; Dean, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies, College of Medicine; Chief Strategy Officer
Graduate Education

Strategic Communications and Marketing
Undergraduate Curriculum and Education

Drexel University Libraries