
Drexel University will celebrate Commencement 2025 with its University-wide ceremony on June 12 and College and School ceremonies on June 11, 12 and 13. 

A momentous occasion for students and their loved ones, Commencement offers us the opportunity to come together as an academic community to celebrate the achievements of our graduates, as well as the commitment of the faculty and staff who have supported, educated and mentored them.

Interim President O’Brien will confer degrees at the University-wide ceremony at Citizens Bank Park, which all faculty and professional staff are encouraged to attend.

College/School Ceremonies

Drexel will celebrate its College and School ceremonies in person at venues across campus and the city. All degree candidates (bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral) will be called to the stage by name at their College/School ceremony to be individually recognized.

Faculty and professional staff are invited to join the academic procession for the ceremony or ceremonies appropriate to their position or interests. Full-time faculty are strongly encouraged to attend at least one Commencement ceremony for those whom they teach. A survey will be provided to RSVP and order regalia. More information will be shared in the spring.

For Graduating Students, please refer to the University’s Commencement website for information on how to RSVP and order regalia.

Where and When to Report

More information will be provided closer to commencement ceremonies on where and when stage party members, marshals and all faculty and staff should report.