Featured Research Facilities
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Core Research Facilities
Below are the core research facilities available to researchers at Drexel University College of Medicine. For more information on any of the core facilities, including services, access and pricing, please visit the individual websites.
College of Medicine
College of Arts & Sciences
College of Engineering
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University
As a consortium member of the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University, Drexel University faculty members are permitted to use the following resources at a reduced rate:
The Center for Advanced Microbial Processing's mission is to identify and isolate the genetic components responsible for the generation of the target molecules in non-model organisms and to engineer them for insertion into model bacterial hosts with the ultimate goal being the efficient and cost-effective production of the target molecule.
The Genomics Core Facility, located on the 17th floor of the New College Building, 245 N. 15th Street in Philadelphia, is home to a variety of instrumentation platforms available to assist researchers across Drexel University with gene (DNA and RNA) sequencing and nucleic acid quantitation.
This facility contains two instruments that can be used for clinical and basic research and are available to the research community as a shared resource. The flow facility is equipped with a bench-top FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer (BD Biosciences, San Jose CA) and a FACSAria (BD Biosciences) high-speed cell sorter.
The Chaiken lab in the Department of Biochemistry operates a biosensor facility, featuring a Biacore S200® surface plasmon resonance instrument, used for detecting interactions between biological macromolecules.
Capillary Electrophoresis
Our Beckman Coulter P/ACE MDQ capillary electrophoresis system provides a versatile, efficient, and sensitive technique for the separation of biomolecules. The option exists to pipe the output from the CE system directly to our electrospray mass spectrometer.
Facilities for large-scale growth of bacterial and yeast cultures include eight temperature-controlled floor shakers, a walk-in 37°C chamber, and a 20-liter New Brunswick BioFlow IV fermenter (with a dedicated CEPA continuous flow centrifuge for harvesting cell pellets). An Avestin Emulsiflex C-5 is available for rapid and efficient breakage of cells for protein purification.
Fluorescence Microscopy
The Reginato lab operates the confocal facility featuring the Leica Laser Scanning Spectral Confocal Microscope TCS SP2 AOBS advanced image acquisition and analysis system. This system includes a UV laser, as well as standard argon, and helium neon lasers that can simultaneously image four different fluorophores. In addition, the microscope includes objectives of 20x, 40x, 63x, and 100x magnification. In addition, the Department has an Olympus IX71 inverted epifluorescence microscope with MetaMorph/MetaFluor Imaging System, CoolSnap HQ Digital CCD camera, and DG4 Galvo-wavelength switcher as well as an Olympus AX70 Compound epifluorescence microscope with Spot RT Slider camera.
Mass Spectrometry
Our lab is equipped with an Eksigent NanoLC-2D liquid handling auto-sampler and liquid chromatography system on the front end of a Thermo LTQ linear ion trap tandem mass spectrometer. This sophisticated instrument is capable of LC-MSn analysis on proteins/peptides as well as small molecule analysis, post-translational modification site determination and relative and absolute quantitation. The core also utilizes a GE Healthcare (Amersham) Äkta Purifier HPLC unit for separations chromatography prior to LC-MSn analysis. These can include strong cation exchange (scx), size exclusion/gel filtration, and others.
The ProteOn™ XPR36 protein interaction array system is an SPR optical biosensor that provides real-time data on the affinity, specificity, and interaction kinetics of protein interactions. Using XPR technology, a unique approach to multiplexing, this system generates a 6 x 6 interaction array for the simultaneous analysis of up to six ligands with up to six analytes.
The Jorns laboratory operates a Hi-Tech Scientific Stopped-Flow System (SF-61DX2) that is equipped for anaerobic single- or double-mixing experiments with multiple detection options, including single wavelength and diode array absorbance modes. Shared facilities with the Department feature a Jasco J810 CD spectrometer and a Fluoromax-3 Fluorimeter (Spex).
The Structural Biology Laboratories are housed within the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and are under the direction of Dr. Patrick Loll. The goal for the laboratories is to utilize a multifaceted approach to understanding structure/function relationships, in order to provide the structural information essential for understanding biologically important processes at the molecular level.
TRaCES, or Translational Research and Core Expert Support, is a new initiative in the Department of Pharmacology & Physiology that aims to support translational and research-driven partnerships between scientists and clinicians. TRaCES elevates ongoing research in the department by providing access to tissue samples to faculty, offering experimental and technical support, and connecting researchers and clinicians that are interested in scientific collaborations.
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