A Timeline of Transformation

The experience of women in medicine has changed drastically since the founding of Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania. Read in their own words what students experienced throughout the years.

“We entered in a body amidst jeers and groanings, whistling and stamping of feet by the men students, who had determined to make it so unpleasant for us that, from choice, we would not care to attend another. On leaving the hospital, we were actually stoned...”
– Elizabeth, WMC 1870



Woman's Medical College Lecture Hall, 1911


“Things we considered impossible to be accomplished, came to lose their formidable appearance.”
– Berta, WMC 1911

“At WMC it was such an inspiration to see women get the opportunity to practice medicine, teach medicine and even find research positions. At the time, women who wanted to attain positions like these faced closed doors virtually everywhere else.”
– Margaret, WMC ’48



WMC Operating Theater 1954


“The first questions I was asked in interviews at the co-ed schools were ‘Do you plan to get married?’ and ‘Do you plan to have children?’ If the answer was yes, then you were out.”
– Doris, WMC ’54

“Even as late as 1968 women were discouraged and even prohibited from certain areas of medicine, such as surgery, at other medical schools across the country. At WMC we could become anything!”
– Janet, WMC ’68




“MCP was different, because of its history. We were taught to be compassionate physicians in an environment that was non-competitive and very supportive. I became a different kind of doctor because I came here.”
– Louis, MCP ’71

“My most special memory is walking into a patient’s room at MCP Hospital with male colleagues and having patients automatically assume I was the doctor.”
– Beth, MCP ’91




“It was when I walked down that hallway that I knew that I was in the right place. I passed large, beautiful, powerful portraits of commanding appearing women. I felt that I had found a home.”
– Camilla, MCP ’94

“On a brisk winter morning during my second year of medical school [in 2000], we celebrated the founding of the Medical College of Pennsylvania... For the women of our present institution this represented 150 years of adversity met by triumph and tradition forever engraved into the pages of history. We stood together in honor of all those who came before us, who forged the path for women to become leaders in science and medicine.”
– Allison, MCP Hahnemann University ’02


Match Day 2002

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