College of Medicine’s 2024 Discovery Day Showcases Research

November 8, 2024

By August Ryan

From innovations in data collection and analysis to modern-day medical uses for leeches, presenters had plenty to share during Drexel University College of Medicine’s annual showcase of research, Discovery Day 2024. Through their poster and platform presentations, graduate and medical students, residents, fellows and postdoctoral trainees presented topics ranging from clinical case studies to research technology.

Attendees were welcomed by Charles B. Cairns, MD, the Walter H. and Leonore Annenberg Dean and senior vice president for medical affairs, College of Medicine.

Discovery Day 2024
Discovery Day 2024

“The scope of student and trainee research presented today is so impressive,” Cairns said. “I am proud to see represented in their work our commitment to meeting the needs of communities across urban, suburban and rural settings – especially for those underserved by health care and underrepresented in studies. Once again: congratulations to the presenters and their faculty mentors.”

This year’s Stephenson Lecture keynote speaker was Keith R. Jerome, MD, PhD, a physician and medical researcher on the faculty at the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. He spoke on the subject of chronic infections. Graduate students chose Dr. Jerome as this year’s keynote presenter because of his pioneering research, including his current efforts to study gene editing and gene therapy as potential cures for HIV, hepatitis B, human papillomavirus and herpesvirus infections.

Discovery Day 2024 also included the presentation of the Lynn Yeakel Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership’s Marion Spencer Fay Lecture and Award, which this year honored Reshma Jagsi, MD, DPhil.

Discovery Day 2024
Discovery Day 2024

Dr. Jagsi is the Lawrence W. Davis Professor and Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology at the Emory University School of Medicine, as well as a senior faculty fellow in Emory University's Center for Ethics. She was honored for her research, clinical care and leadership, and her work identifying and eliminating gender and racial disparities in both patient outcomes and career advancement in the medical profession, as well as her demonstrated commitment to mentorship.

Discovery Day participants also received recognition for outstanding work. Faculty and alumni judges and guests reviewed researchers' posters and platform presentations throughout the day. After considering the research they had explored, judges chose award winners across multiple categories; see them here.

An awards ceremony to celebrate the winners was emceed by Elisabeth Van Bockstaele, PhD, founding dean of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies, chief strategy officer, senior vice president for graduate and online education, and dean of the Graduate College at Drexel.

Discovery Day 2024
Discovery Day 2024

“Please join me in thanking the mentors whose trainees presented their research today. You are training the next generation of research innovators and science leaders, and we are grateful for your efforts,” Van Bockstaele said. “For students, residents and fellows, this event is an opportunity to share experimental results and to take well-deserved credit for your skill and perseverance. Thank you for being part of our research enterprise.”

Congratulations to all the presenters and this year’s award winners.

Discovery Day 2024
Discovery Day 2024