It's Time for the 21st Annual Pediatric AIDS Benefit Concert

January 13, 2014

Variety Show Supports Pediatric AIDS Program at St. Christopher's Hospital for Children

Drexel University College of Medicine students and faculty are getting ready to dazzle on the stage for this year's 21st annual Pediatric AIDS Benefit Concert (PABC) on Saturday, February 15. The proceeds of this student-run event support the Pediatric AIDS program at St. Christopher's Hospital for Children. The event will be held at the Main Building on Drexel University's campus on 32nd and Chestnut Streets.

The doors open at 5 p.m. and the concert will begin at 6 p.m. Advanced tickets cost $20 for Drexel students and $30 for non-Drexel students; the price at the door will be $30 for Drexel students and $35 for non-Drexel students. The evening will include a live variety show with entertainment provided by College of Medicine students and faculty, a wide selection of food donated by local restaurants, a silent auction and other fundraising opportunities.

The event — which has raised just about half a million dollars since its beginning in 1993 — benefits the Dorothy Mann Center for Pediatric and Adolescent HIV at St. Christopher's. The center is the largest of its kind in the tri-state area, providing comprehensive care, including social services, to children infected with HIV and their families. The money raised by PABC helps pay for the services of a child-life specialist and a dietitian for the program, offers the children the opportunity to attend summer camp and helps provide the affected families with emergency funds for housing and other expenses.

St. Christopher's Hospital for Children is a teaching affiliate of Drexel University College of Medicine. Most of the hospital-based physicians also hold faculty positions in the Department of Pediatrics at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Any restaurants, businesses and individuals wishing to donate to the auction and/or dinner buffet should contact event staff by either emailing or calling 215.991.8537.

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