Discovery Day Information for Advisors & Attendees

Discovery Day 2024
Thursday, November 7

Discovery Day offers a wonderful opportunity for junior- and senior-level undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in biomedical research to present a poster, and we hope you encourage your students to participate.

This all-day event of intellectual pursuit and discovery is organized to celebrate the basic and clinical research accomplishments of the graduate, medical and undergraduate students, clinical research coordinators, post-doctoral fellows, and residents associated/affiliated with our college. The morning session is dedicated to individual poster presentations, which will be followed in the afternoon by platform presentations of selected abstracts. Both posters and platform presentations will be peer-reviewed for recognition and awards.

Each year at Discovery Day, more than 300 posters are presented on topics as diverse as malaria, HIV/AIDS, infectious diseases, cancer, cardiology, transplantation, behavioral and cellular neurosciences, spinal cord injury, neuroengineering, Alzheimer's disease, autism, structural biology, proteomics and genomics, among others.

A presenter explaining his research at Discovery Day 2016


FAQs below are subject to change.

Who is invited to Discovery Day?

I am not presenting or judging but I would like to attend, how can I register for the event?

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